Saturday, September 16, 2006


Ephesians 2:14- “For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall…”

We dream of a “Church Without Walls”-

- a church based on influencing people for Christ by going to people where they are, and drawing them into a relationship with Christ through service, involvement and relationships with other believers

-a church where the “dividing wall” that separates God and man will be broken down, and people experience the fullness of freedom and the abundant life that Christ intended them to have.

-a church where the “dividing wall” between believers and unbelievers will be broken down, and people will experience a sense of belonging in an atmosphere of total acceptance, love and support.

-a church where the “dividing wall” that separates members of families from one another will be broken down by forgiveness, faith and “the blessing”.

-a church where the “dividing wall” that separates people of different races will be broken down by forgiveness, reconciliation and acceptance.

-a church where the “dividing wall” of denominationalism will be broken down by mutual prayer, cooperation and support with people of other Christian faiths.

-a church where the “dividing wall” that separates people from fulfilling their dreams will be broken down by faith, and by the discovery and use of their spiritual gifts.

-a church where the “dividing wall” that keeps broken and hurting people from experiencing the fullness of life that God intended for them will be broken down as they find a home among people who welcome them with open arms.

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