Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Movie- "The End of the Spear"

Sue and I watched an incredible movie Sunday evening, after the bible study and prayer meeting- "The End of the Spear". It was about Jim Elliot, Nate Saint and 3 other missionaries who went to the Wadani Indians in Ecuador, a violent tribe defined by revenge killing. These 5 men were killed by them in their first face to face encounter. But, some of the men in the tribe were touched by the Holy Spirit and converted. And, the wives and children of the missionaries who were killed went to the Wadani, and won them for Christ- and, many in that tribe are believers today and their entire way of life has been completely transformed. When I see a movie like this, and I see the price paid for by others to win people to Christ, I recognize that the price we sometimes pay to present the gospel is but a feather compared to the sacrifice made by these incredible men and women. Trust me- RENT OR BUY THIS MOVIE, AND WATCH IT AS SOON AS YOU GET A CHANCE. It will move you to tears, and change your perspective on "paying the price" to get the message of Christ to lost people!

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