Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hope Springs Christian Fellowship

May 8, 2006- Hopesprings Christian Fellowship- Bangor, Pennsylvania

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to "Hopesprings Christian Fellowship" in Bangor, Pa. They have a great vision for reaching their community, using a "coffee house" on the street side of the building, and a large worship area in a converted warehouse in the back of the building. We toured their building after the worship service. They have a lot of work yet to go on the building, but it is a great facility, and will be used by the Lord to reach many people for the Lord in this Pennsylvania town. Of course, right now, they have their priorities right. They are concentrating first on building their people- building them in the word, equipping them for service, bonding them together for mission. They had a breakfast/brunch before worship, then a wonderful worship service, and a session from the "Alpha" course (on, of all topics- EVANGELISM!) Then they broke up into small groups around tables outside the worship area and had discussion groups on the morning "Alpha" lesson. It was a great way of making the teaching personal, and having people reflect on what they heard and how they will apply it in their lives. They are well on their way to building a vibrant, alive congregation.

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