Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Growth Plan- 2008-2009

Highlights from this past year- (2007-2008)
Small Groups Ministries- organized 5 Small Groups (“FLOW-Groups”) that meet in 3 communities in our area- Randolph, Roxbury & Morristown.
Iglesia Alianza- partnered with Iglesia Alianza and it pastor, Dean Bracewell in mutual prayer and encouragement & joint projects together- Morristown “Community Day”, church social events, children’s ministry and youth ministry.
Launching of a weekly worship service- began weekly, public worship services @ Clearview Cinemas in September of 2007. We have found that since the launching of weekly worship services, we have had many new people who have attended worship at “The Well”.
“Reel to Real Kids”- launched our weekly children’s church ministry, together with Iglesia Alianza in October of 2007. For grade school children, using a multi-media approach.
“MYFAITH” classes- launched “MYFAITH” (together with Iglesia Alianza) to equip our students on the basics of the Christian faith, using the "Why I Believe" series (culminating in a major event- “MYFAITH Sunday”)

Ministry Plan- 2008- 2009
Goal- “Countdown Morristown” (major publicity blitz, advertising, outreach plan to expand our ministry in Morristown)

Summer, 2008

1) Summer Preaching Series- “Questions God Asks”
2) Continue taking all regular attenders through “First Steps”
3) Develop new Bible Study Material- “2nd Steps”, “3rd Steps” “Evangelism/Discipleship Training” “MYFAITH” “Acts- Church on Fire”
4) Expand Prayer Partners; prayer ministry in FLOW-Groups- Pray about next steps for our church; personal needs.
5) Communion- 1st Sunday of each month (beginning July)
6) Next “Bring a Friend Sunday”- Morning Worship; Afternoon Picnic (w/ Iglesia Alianza)- September 7th

Fall, 2008-Winter, 2009

1) Message Series- “Acts- Church on Fire” (FLOW-Groups- use study guides on book of Acts)
2) Add 2 Small groups- Morristown; another community. New Women’s Small group?
3) Jr./Sr. High Youth Ministry- Plan for combined work w/ Iglesia Alianza- weekly meetings in homes; once a month “Fun Night” activities
4) Evangelism/Discipleship training- 12 sessions- September-December
5) Booth @ Morristown community day (fliers; bottled water, candy, etc.)
6) Prayer partners; prayer w/ FLOW-Groups- esp. about “Countdown Morristown”
7) Major fundraiser- publicity blitz- “Countdown Morristown”
8) Major publicity blitz- Fall, 2008 (before Christmas) & Winter, 2009 (before Easter) (dependent upon funding)
-Mass Mailings- Morristown, Morris Plains, Cedar Knolls, etc.
-Newspaper Articles (Local newspapers?)
-One visible mission project in Morristown
-Theater Advertising (slides before movie)
9) Clearly track and follow up with our new people- How HoHow are they doing, esp. in “Spiritual Growth Plan”
10) Organization Team- write up basic bylaws, constitution

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