Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Growth Plan- 2008-2009

Highlights from this past year- (2007-2008)
Small Groups Ministries- organized 5 Small Groups (“FLOW-Groups”) that meet in 3 communities in our area- Randolph, Roxbury & Morristown.
Iglesia Alianza- partnered with Iglesia Alianza and it pastor, Dean Bracewell in mutual prayer and encouragement & joint projects together- Morristown “Community Day”, church social events, children’s ministry and youth ministry.
Launching of a weekly worship service- began weekly, public worship services @ Clearview Cinemas in September of 2007. We have found that since the launching of weekly worship services, we have had many new people who have attended worship at “The Well”.
“Reel to Real Kids”- launched our weekly children’s church ministry, together with Iglesia Alianza in October of 2007. For grade school children, using a multi-media approach.
“MYFAITH” classes- launched “MYFAITH” (together with Iglesia Alianza) to equip our students on the basics of the Christian faith, using the "Why I Believe" series (culminating in a major event- “MYFAITH Sunday”)

Ministry Plan- 2008- 2009
Goal- “Countdown Morristown” (major publicity blitz, advertising, outreach plan to expand our ministry in Morristown)

Summer, 2008

1) Summer Preaching Series- “Questions God Asks”
2) Continue taking all regular attenders through “First Steps”
3) Develop new Bible Study Material- “2nd Steps”, “3rd Steps” “Evangelism/Discipleship Training” “MYFAITH” “Acts- Church on Fire”
4) Expand Prayer Partners; prayer ministry in FLOW-Groups- Pray about next steps for our church; personal needs.
5) Communion- 1st Sunday of each month (beginning July)
6) Next “Bring a Friend Sunday”- Morning Worship; Afternoon Picnic (w/ Iglesia Alianza)- September 7th

Fall, 2008-Winter, 2009

1) Message Series- “Acts- Church on Fire” (FLOW-Groups- use study guides on book of Acts)
2) Add 2 Small groups- Morristown; another community. New Women’s Small group?
3) Jr./Sr. High Youth Ministry- Plan for combined work w/ Iglesia Alianza- weekly meetings in homes; once a month “Fun Night” activities
4) Evangelism/Discipleship training- 12 sessions- September-December
5) Booth @ Morristown community day (fliers; bottled water, candy, etc.)
6) Prayer partners; prayer w/ FLOW-Groups- esp. about “Countdown Morristown”
7) Major fundraiser- publicity blitz- “Countdown Morristown”
8) Major publicity blitz- Fall, 2008 (before Christmas) & Winter, 2009 (before Easter) (dependent upon funding)
-Mass Mailings- Morristown, Morris Plains, Cedar Knolls, etc.
-Newspaper Articles (Local newspapers?)
-One visible mission project in Morristown
-Theater Advertising (slides before movie)
9) Clearly track and follow up with our new people- How HoHow are they doing, esp. in “Spiritual Growth Plan”
10) Organization Team- write up basic bylaws, constitution

Prayer Notes- week of June 1st

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, we began a new series, "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him. We began with the Intro- The God Who asks questions(you can download the podcast of this message by going to our website-, and clicking on the "Sermon Notes and Video Clips" button)
This series of messages will continue through the Summer:
Sunday, June 8- Where are you? (Genesis 3:1-9)
Sunday, June 15- Where is your brother? (Genesis 4:1-9)
Sunday, June 22- Will you condemn Me that you may be justified? (Job 40:1-8)
Sunday, June 29- "MYFAITH" Sunday- Guest preacher- CHARLIE HARRAH
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Sunday, August 24- Why do you persecute me? (Acts 9:1-6)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes. This past Sunday, the students had their "Youth Fun Activity"- "Pizza & Park" Day. A GREAT day at Sunshine Lake at the Lewis Morris Park. Looking forward to more fun activities for the combined youth group through the summer!
The "MYFAITH" class for June 8th will be at the home of Arturo Garcia- (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)
Also, this weekend and next (June 7th & 14th), Pastor Dave & Pastor Dean and I will be visiting each one of the students in their homes to go over the "MYFAITH" lessons, to assign parts for "MYFAITH" Sunday, and to talk about each student's relationship with the Lord ("Where have you been, where are you, and where are you going?"). This is an exciting time for the "MYFAITH" class, and for their families. Pray for this "MYFAITH" class, that they will learn more than just the lessons and the material- that they will know the reasons for their belief in Christ, and that they will be sincere in their desire to follow Him.

At our Connection Night this past Sunday evening, we discussed and finalized our "Growth Plan for 2008-2009" (click on "Growth Plan" button). We would appreciate your feedback and input, as well as your prayers, so that our church may take the next steps that the Lord has for us!

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- this Sunday, June 15th) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
REMINDER- New FLOW-Group offered for the months of June, July & August-ALL ARE INVITED- Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project"- all are invited! Here is a list of the topics that they will be going over through the summer:
THE TRUTH PROJECT (by Focus on the Family)
An In-depth Christian Worldview Experience- A DVD-based small group study designed to equip believers with a comprehensive biblical worldview.
Lesson 1
Veritology: What is truth?
The cosmic battle. Why was Jesus born? Truth as ultimate reality. Gazing on the face of God.
Lesson 2
Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
The cosmic cube. Danger of deceptive philosophy. Renewing of the mind.
Lesson 3
Anthropology: Who is Man? Where did he come from?
The meaning and purpose of our existence. Where does evil come from?
Lesson 4
Theology: Who is God?
The attack on God's nature and His word. What is eternal life?
Lesson 5
Science: What is true?
The glory of God's creation. Breaking down Darwin's theory. Examining the fossil record.
Lesson 6
History: Whose Story?
God's mandate to remember. Power of Historical revisionism. Living in the larger story. God's sovereignty.
Lesson 7
Sociology: The Divine Imprint.
Order vs Disorder. The triune nature of social systems. Authority, submission, oneness.
Lesson 8
Unio Mystica: Am I alone?
Indwelling of God. Many members one body. The hunger for significance.
Lesson 9
The State: Whose Law?
Why is the king eating grass? Delegation of authority. Bearing the sword. The state as savior?
Lesson 10
The American Experiment: Stepping Stones.
Removing the lampstand. Foundation of religion and morality.Evolution of law in America. Remember, repent and return.
Lesson 11
Labor: Created to Create.
Solo Deo gloria. The original worker. Creative stewards. 7 economic principles.
Lesson 12
Community & Involvement: God cares, Do I?
The second greatest commandment. The story of the good neighbor. God's heart for the needy.Transforming your community


-Continue to pray for the missions that we support at The Well-
Market Street Mission (local ministry)
Carl Galyon- Church Dynamics International (national ministry)
Barry Jordan- CMA International Ministries- Papua, New Guinea (international ministry)
[Note- we received this e-mail from the Jordans last week- Dear prayer partners, Oswald Chambers writes, "The people who influence us most are not those who buttonhole us and talk to us, but those who live their lives like the stars in heaven and the lilies in the field, perfectly simply and unaffectedly. Those are the lives that mould us." Less than three weeks to go before we start on our way back to the States. Our "to-do" lists are longer than our arms. PLEASE PRAY that we can get all that we need done in the time that we have left. Today the GKIP, the split-off group from the GKII (CMA) church, was busy. They destroyed a pastor's house and gathered near the district superintendent's office with the hope of taking it over. Many GKII brothers, along with the police, gathered at the district office and kept the GKIP from achieving their intent. In the last few days many text messages were sent out saying that on May 20th the GKIP was going to disband the GKII. The increased violence is understandable. The followers of GKIP have been falsely told by their leaders that they (GKIP) are the legal church and therefore they own ALL the assets. That is what they hear but there is no legal or physical evidence to support their claim. Thus many of the followers are frustrated. They have also been promised big salaries by GKIP leaders, but up til now, have not received it. They feel justified in their actions. PLEASE PRAY for our church. The violence will most likely get worse before either the police take action or the members of the GKIP become aware that something is wrong. I spent the weekend ministering in Tembagapura (a mining company town). In both the Indonesian and expat community I have become sort of an itinerant pastor even though I'm only there four or five times a year. A side job, but some wonderful people make it worthwhile. This next week Team Joshua will have their "seniors" retreat. This year we will be visited by a group of high school seniors from Jakarta. We will spend three high-energy days playing, worshiping, practicing and relating (to God and each other). Tomorrow I will speak for my last time (for a year) in Team Joshua Jayapura . The group in Jayapura has experienced a revival. Lots of new members and a real excitement has swept over them. PRAISE THE LORD with us for this fabulous group of young people. Jennifer graduates on May 29th. She has been an amazing high schooler. I say that because I compare her to myself, who wasted much of my high school years. She has lived her high school years to the fullest. In all areas--educationally, socially, emotionally, athletically, and spiritually--she has excelled. Sometimes it's hard to believe that she is my daughter. Praise the Lord for Patty. PLEASE PRAY for Jennifer as she says "good-bye" to a life that she has known for eighteen years and moves on to an unknown, college in the USA. One other prayer request relates to the kids' school, Hillcrest International School (HIS). HIS still needs for this coming school year a 4th grade teacher, a 6th grade teacher, a high school social studies teacher, a computer teacher, and a special ed teacher. If you or someone you know is interested in being involved in fulfilling the Great Commission in this corner of the world through these avenues, ask for information from the HIS Director, Paige Adams, at others, Barry and Patty Jordan]