Friday, May 30, 2008

Prayer Notes- May 25th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, Pastor Dave concluded our series of Messages based on the "Prince Caspian" movie. He spoke about Part 4- Staying the Course- how we can stay on the right path (You can hear the podcast at our website-, and click on the Sermon Notes and Video Clips button). I heard also that it was another great worship experience- some "rockin' worship" with some friends of Pastor Dave's (from his pastoral work in East Brunswick) assisting on the worship team- Darienel Serrano, and Marisa Cree, along with Pastor Dave.

Our next series of messages for the Summer will be "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him- not so that He will get information, but to get us to see things that we hadn’t seen before. Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Thank the Lord also- Sue's and my teachings at Memorial Day Weekend at Tuscarora Inn were received with great interest and enthusiasm. I taught on the topic, "Journey Back to Faith"- that is, how do we communicate faith in a "Post-Christian" ("Post-Modern") culture? Sue had a session with the women on Sunday- a women's tea (this may become an annual event at Tuscarora- many women came out). Her talk was entitled, "Refreshed with Hope" (how God takes our trials and difficulties and turns them into beautiful things). We believe that our prayers were answered, and that the teaching of this weekend connected with many people who heard it and received it. I hope that some of you may join us at one of our retreats at Tuscarora some day- it is a refreshing and renewing experience. Sometimes it takes a few days away to truly listen to God!

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes. This past Sunday, Pastor Dave talked to the students about "Why I Believe- Christian Morality- Part 2"- that is, a continuation of what the Bible teaches about Dating, Love, Marriage and Sex. This week, June 1st at 12:30PM, the students will have their "Youth Fun Activity"- "Pizza & Park" Day. The students will meet after church and go out for Pizza at Mama Mia's Pizza. Then, they will go out to Sunshine Lake at Lewis Morris Park for some games and activities. Parents can pick their kids up at 3:30pm at Sunshine Lake.
The "MYFAITH" class for June 8th will be at the home of Arturo Garcia- (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)

Pray for our next "Connection Event"- this Sunday evening, June 1st, from 7:00- 9:00PM- a Coffee Fellowship at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno, 8 Diane Ct. in Randolph, where we will pray about and work through a written plan for our church for 2008-2009. Please bring your favorite dessert- coffee will be provided. Again, we need your input- please mark your calendars for this one! [directions to the Saldejeno's home- Rt. 10 West to Dover-Chester Rd., exit on right, turn left on Dover-Chester Rd. past County College of Morris, about 1 mile, right on Sweetwood Dr., 3rd right is Diane Ct., 3rd house on the right.)

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- this Sunday, June 1st) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT- New FLOW-Group offered for the months of June, July & August- Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project"- all are invited! Here is a list of the topics that they will be going over through the summer:
THE TRUTH PROJECT (by Focus on the Family)
An In-depth Christian Worldview Experience- A DVD-based small group study designed to equip believers with a comprehensive biblical worldview.
Lesson 1
Veritology: What is truth?
The cosmic battle. Why was Jesus born? Truth as ultimate reality. Gazing on the face of God.
Lesson 2
Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
The cosmic cube. Danger of deceptive philosophy. Renewing of the mind.
Lesson 3
Anthropology: Who is Man? Where did he come from?
The meaning and purpose of our existence. Where does evil come from?
Lesson 4
Theology: Who is God?
The attack on God's nature and His word. What is eternal life?
Lesson 5
Science: What is true?
The glory of God's creation. Breaking down Darwin's theory. Examining the fossil record.
Lesson 6
History: Whose Story?
God's mandate to remember. Power of Historical revisionism. Living in the larger story. God's sovereignty.
Lesson 7
Sociology: The Divine Imprint.
Order vs Disorder. The triune nature of social systems. Authority, submission, oneness.
Lesson 8
Unio Mystica: Am I alone?
Indwelling of God. Many members one body. The hunger for significance.
Lesson 9
The State: Whose Law?
Why is the king eating grass? Delegation of authority. Bearing the sword. The state as savior?
Lesson 10
The American Experiment: Stepping Stones.
Removing the lampstand. Foundation of religion and morality.Evolution of law in America. Remember, repent and return.
Lesson 11
Labor: Created to Create.
Solo Deo gloria. The original worker. Creative stewards. 7 economic principles.
Lesson 12
Community & Involvement: God cares, Do I?
The second greatest commandment. The story of the good neighbor. God's heart for the needy.Transforming your community

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Home Makover Day

On Saturday,May 17th, we had about 15 volunteers from "The Well" take a few hours to paint and decorate the home of Mary MacNeill & Kyle & Devon. We were able to complete a lot of work at the home, and we had a great time doing it. The home looks great, and it was a boost to all of us who participated in the project. Not quite "Extreme Home Makeover"- but, we did pretty well for the day, with the resources and volunteers that we had! Mary wrote: "Hi Pastor Pete, I wanted to write to express my thanks and just tell you how blessed I am to be a part of The Well. I experienced a TRUE family experience from the church last Saturday with the overflowing love and help to make our house a home. I am sure that everyone was aware of my struggles to find another place to live in the Morristown/Morris township area, but all efforts failed and I accepted that I needed to stay were I was. Sue offered the idea of having a painting day to wash away the past years of hurt in the house and make it new. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill our home with his presence and help us to forget the past years there. So this is what was done last Saturday and I can’t tell you how much the boys and I LOVE our home. When I walk in every night after work I can say that I truly feel like I am home and relaxed. It’s exactly what I wanted. The boys are so excited about their bedroom, they’ve actually be sleeping in there for the first time in over a year. This is something I have been praying about for a while. I like to just leave with something that God brought to my attention the other day in devotions, Romans 12:9-11 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Thank you for your brotherly love. Mary T. MacNeill

Summer Series- "The God Who Asks Questions"

Our series of messages for the Summer will be "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him- not so that He will get information, but to get us to see things that we hadn’t seen before. Here are some of the questions God asks:
Sunday, June 1- Intro- The God Who asks questions (Job 38:3 & 40:7)
Sunday, June 8- Where are you? (Genesis 3:1-9)
Sunday, June 15- Where is your brother? (Genesis 4:1-9)
Sunday, June 22- Will you condemn Me that you may be justified? (Job 40:1-8)
Sunday, June 29- (MYFAITH SUNDAY)- Guest Preacher- CHARLIE HARRAH
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Sunday, August 24- Why do you persecute me? (Acts 9:1-6)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of May 4th

Hi, Family,

This past Sunday, we began our series of Messages in May, based on the upcoming "Narnia" movie, "Prince Caspian". We began the series with the message, Part 1-"A Journey Back to Faith" (message attached- also, you can hear the podcast at our website-, and click on the Sermon Notes and Video Clips button). This is a great Outreach Series- one you may want to invite your friends to. The theme of the series is about rekindling faith that has become more of a distant memory than a present reality (a pertinent topic on our "Post-Christian- Post-modern" culture!). It will go along with the release of the movie, "Prince Caspian" which will be released in mid-May. The topics of the remainder of messages will be:
May 11th- Believe and See (How the Lord opens spiritual eyes as well as physical eyes)
May 18th- Things Are Not What They Seem (about spiritual warfare)
May 25th- Staying the Course (how we can stay on the right path)

Our next All Church "Connection Event" will be a "Sunday afternoon out at the movies" to watch Narnia- Prince Caspian on Sunday, May 18th, right after the Sunday Morning worship service. We will get Pizza at Mama Mia's Pizza across from the entrance to Clearview Cinemas at Headquarter Plaza on Speedwell Ave. Then, we will watch the early afternoon showing of the movie. We are purchasing discount tickets, for the price of $8.00. Come and join us, and bring someone who is searching, or who just wants to watch a great movie with friends!

A "Praise" item- we continued the process of evaluating where we are and where we are going at our recent Connection Night this past Sunday evening. We received some good input from some of you (if you were unable to make it, and you would like to give some feedback about our church, please send your comments back to me on this e-mail). Then, on Sunday evening, June 1st, we will have our next Coffee Fellowship, where we will pray about it and capsulate it in the form of a plan for our church for 2008-2009. Again, we need your input at this juncture.

Also, another "Praise" item- the women of both "The Well" and "Igliesia Alianza" had a great time at the Women's Tea this past Saturday. The women shared in a "Getting to Know You" game, and then Sue shared a message entitled, "Refreshed by Hope"- how the Lord uses our brokenness and hurt to rebuild us and remake us in a way that helps other people in their struggles- "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Cor. 1:3-4). Thank the Lord for this great fellowship event, and pray about the next one!

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes for May 11th & 18th (NO CLASS ON THE 25TH- MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND). We will be at the home of Arturo Garcia (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- TBA) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- Journey Back to Faith
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- Journey Back to Faith