Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My meeting with Pastor Dean Bracewell (and Pastor Dave)

One for the "surprising coincidence" department?
Pray for "Inglesias Alianza" of Morristown and for their pastor, Pastor Dean Bracewell as they are in the midst of some important decisions related to next steps for that congregation. I had an interesting experience this past week- as you know from last week's prayer notes, Pastor Dave and I met with Pastor Dean to discuss their present situation, and their desire to have a greater impact in the Hispanic community in Morristown. We had discussed some "what if's" such as establishing a cooperative relationship between our congregations and possibly worshipping together (although in separate theaters) in Clearview Cinemas in HQP. Well, Pastor Dean shared this with his leadership team on Tuesday, and they were really enthusiastic about the idea, and then he shared it with members of his congregation on Thursday at their prayer meeting, and again, those who were present were also enthusiastic about the idea! Then, on Friday evening, I had an Aristocrat job together with another driver named Ozwaldo Diaz. Ozzie and I went out to eat while we were waiting for our group, and we began by just talking shop, how long have you been working for Aristocrat, what jobs have you had, what it was like working at his other job @ NJ Transit, etc. Then, he asked about my work situation- I said I work 4 days for Aristocrat, and 2 days for my church- "What church" "The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown." Where is that?" "Well, it's a brand new church- we meet 3 weeks each month in various homes and 1 week in Clearview Cinemas in Headquarter's Plaza..." He hesitated, and said, "I think I heard about that last night...you know my pastor, Dean Bracewell?" "Yes- he's your pastor?" "Yes- I also know Pastor Dave who works with you (he had a lot of nice things to say about you, Pastor Dave)" And, we just shared with each other about our meeting last week, about the possibilities of working in some sort of cooperative relationship in the community and HQP, about his family, and at the end of the night, we prayed for each other and for our works in the Lord...what were the chances of that happening? There are about 40 different drivers @ Aristocrat- to work with someone from the same congregation in the same week that Pastor Dave and I had a meeting with Pastor Dean, the day after they heard about us in their Thursday prayer meeting? Well...you know, the Lord is working in mysterious ways! We don't know what it means for us yet, nor do we know what kind of cooperative relationship we will have, but we have a number of people in our fold who know Pastor Dean, and Ozzie and his family, and other people from the congregation, and we have an opportunity to work in a cooperative relationship with this vital congregation. Pray that the Lord will open up this door for them and for us to have a greater impact in our community for Christ!

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