Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sharaday @ STAR 99.1

Please continue to pray for our "sharaday" on the radio station, STAR 99.1, on Friday, September 7th – the messages will air every hour on the hour starting at 7am & ending at 6pm. (you may remember that this was a gift that was given to us by Clearview Cinemas, as a way of promoting our church around our launch date- free advertising! Be sure to thank God for Clearview Cinemas and STAR 99.1 for their support!) Pray also that this advertising will reach many people as a way of introducing our church to the Morristown community and surrounding area


Our "Launch Date" for public worship will be on Sunday, September 9th (9:30AM- Coffee & Continental Breakfast, 10:00AM- Worship Service).


Pray for this- that all ministries will be in place, that all arrangements will be made, and that the Lord will provide all the resources and the participants for a successful official "launch" of The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown, NJ. Pray also for finances as we will move from monthly to weekly rental of the movie theater, as well as increased advertising and materials for the fall. We may also consider renting another theater for "Children's Church" during our morning worship service.

Church Picnic- Labor Day Weekend

Our "Labor day worship & church picnic" will take place on Sunday, September 2nd- worship @ 10:00AM (we will also have communion at this service, and a commissioning of our leadership as we prepare for our "launch" next week); our church picnic (shared with our friends at "Inglesia Alianza") begins at 12:00noon at Loantaka Park, off of South St. in Morristown
Directions- Follow South Street, over Rt. 287, Road turns into Spring Valley Rd., entrance to the park is about 1/2 mile on the left.

Monday, August 06, 2007

September News

Our next worship at Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza will be our launch date- September 9th (Mark it down!)- 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service & children's church. Pray for this- that all ministries will be in place, that all arrangements will be made, and that the Lord will provide all the resources and the participants for a successful official "launch" of The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown, NJ
Directions to Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza- From Rt. 80- Take Rt. 80 to Rt. 287 south to Exit 36- "Morris Ave, Ridgedale Ave exit"- follow signs that lead you straight through to Morris Ave, through two lights, at third light by Duncan Donuts, turn right on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Sussex Turnpike- Take Sussex Turnpike east to the end, Speedwell Ave, turn right, 1/4 mile, to 2nd light, Spring St., (you will see "Clearview Cinemas" right in front of you) turn left, 1/4 mile, at 2nd light (at the bottom of the hill), turn right on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Rt. 24 (Rt. 510)- Take Rt. 24/510 East to center of Morristown, "The Green" will be on your left, turn left at light after the Green, to next light, left and continue to follow the green for about a block, turn right on to Water Street, down hill about 1/2 a block to 1st entrance on left into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!

August news

On August 5th, we had another great worship (our final "Practice Worship") @ Clearview Cinemas in HQP. Again, a wonderful worship experience. We began with a group prayer with Pastor Dean Bracewell and some of the members of Inglesia Alianza, and shared some wonderful fellowship together. Then, we went to our "Theater 7" for worship. What a blessing it has been to have our sister-in-law, Soni Riley, on worship team. A lot of members of our family were also in attendance- hope to see more of them in future weeks and months (Pray for this!) Then, a young man named Josh Cascio shared a brief testimony about his ministry. He just completed his certification process as a personal trainer, and has a ministry called, "One True Power" (check it out at www.onetruepower.com), and we prayed for him. Then, we learned more about Moses and his leadership of the people of Israel in the Exodus, in a message from Exodus 18, entitled, "People who Share the Load" (message attached). We learned about Moses and the wise counsel of his Father-in-Law, Jethro, to multiply his effectiveness by multiplying his leadership and releasing them to do ministry among the people. That is what we also hope to do at "The Well"- train and equip and "release" our people to do ministry among people in their spheres of influence. Continue to pray for us and for all the leadership at "The Well" as we prepare our people for our "launch" in September.
Worship and Adult Bible study for August (our final month of "house church" meetings) will be:
9:30AM- Sunday School (for the kids); Bible Study hour- Continuing our study in Nehemiah.
10:30AM- Worship (Continuing our series on "Moses", from the story of the Exodus, and leadership principles from Moses' life)
Worship for Sunday, August 12th & 19th will be at the home of John & Sue Spargo- 20 Righter Rd., Succasunna. Directions- Rt. 10 West to Roxbury exit- "Eyland Ave."- jughandle to make LEFT turn off of Rt. 10, go south on Eyland Ave about 1/2 mile, past township recreation center, next traffic light- "Righter Rd."- turn LEFT, about 1/4 mile on the right, across from township soccer fields.
Worship for Sunday, August 26th will be at the home of Tom and Suzann Zoltner- 4 King Hill Rd., Denville. Also on this day, Mary Detombeur will be publically confessing her faith in Jesus Christ, and will be baptized after the worship service. Come and join us in our final "house church" meeting.
Directions to Zoltners' home- Rt. 10 heading WEST, past Denville Auto dealers (Acura, Infiniti, Saturn), down hill, RIGHT on HILL RD, 1st RIGHT- King Hill Ct, 2nd house on the LEFT.
ALSO, on Sunday afternoons during August and early September (1:00PM at Bill's Luncheonette in Ironia) we will be continuing our training in one-to-one discipleship, using the First Steps material. This material will equip us to prepare us for discipleship in one to one relationship as we prepare to launch in the early fall, and receive new people into the fold. It is interesting to see how the Lord is preparing us to do various Bible studies in places other than church buildings- diners, luncheonettes, places of work, etc. Pray that we will be successful in preparing our people to disciple new people that we will meet.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Next Worship @ Clearview Cinemas

Our next worship at Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza in Morristown will be on Sunday, August 5th- 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Our next worship service @ Clearview Cinemas in HQP

Please pray for our next worship @ Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza on Sunday, June 3rd - 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service. Childcare will be provided. Some members of another Morristown church (the Inglesia Alianza" church- see below) will be at this service. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be present at this worship service, and do His work both inside of us and between us. COME AND JOIN US IF YOU CAN! WE'D LOVE TO SEE YOU...
Directions to Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza- From Rt. 80- Take Rt. 80 to Rt. 287 south to Exit 36- "Morris Ave, Ridgedale Ave exit"- follow signs that lead you straight through to Morris Ave, through two lights, at third light by Duncan Donuts, turn right on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Sussex Turnpike- Take Sussex Turnpike east to the end, Speedwell Ave, turn right, 1/4 mile, to 2nd light, Spring St., (you will see "Clearview Cinemas" right in front of you) turn left, 1/4 mile, at 2nd light (at the bottom of the hill), turn right on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Rt. 24 (Rt. 510)- Take Rt. 24/510 East to center of Morristown, "The Green" will be on your left, turn left at light after the Green, to next light, left and continue to follow the green for about a block, turn right on to Water Street, down hill about 1/2 a block to 1st entrance on left into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!

My meeting with Pastor Dean Bracewell (and Pastor Dave)

One for the "surprising coincidence" department?
Pray for "Inglesias Alianza" of Morristown and for their pastor, Pastor Dean Bracewell as they are in the midst of some important decisions related to next steps for that congregation. I had an interesting experience this past week- as you know from last week's prayer notes, Pastor Dave and I met with Pastor Dean to discuss their present situation, and their desire to have a greater impact in the Hispanic community in Morristown. We had discussed some "what if's" such as establishing a cooperative relationship between our congregations and possibly worshipping together (although in separate theaters) in Clearview Cinemas in HQP. Well, Pastor Dean shared this with his leadership team on Tuesday, and they were really enthusiastic about the idea, and then he shared it with members of his congregation on Thursday at their prayer meeting, and again, those who were present were also enthusiastic about the idea! Then, on Friday evening, I had an Aristocrat job together with another driver named Ozwaldo Diaz. Ozzie and I went out to eat while we were waiting for our group, and we began by just talking shop, how long have you been working for Aristocrat, what jobs have you had, what it was like working at his other job @ NJ Transit, etc. Then, he asked about my work situation- I said I work 4 days for Aristocrat, and 2 days for my church- "What church" "The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown." Where is that?" "Well, it's a brand new church- we meet 3 weeks each month in various homes and 1 week in Clearview Cinemas in Headquarter's Plaza..." He hesitated, and said, "I think I heard about that last night...you know my pastor, Dean Bracewell?" "Yes- he's your pastor?" "Yes- I also know Pastor Dave who works with you (he had a lot of nice things to say about you, Pastor Dave)" And, we just shared with each other about our meeting last week, about the possibilities of working in some sort of cooperative relationship in the community and HQP, about his family, and at the end of the night, we prayed for each other and for our works in the Lord...what were the chances of that happening? There are about 40 different drivers @ Aristocrat- to work with someone from the same congregation in the same week that Pastor Dave and I had a meeting with Pastor Dean, the day after they heard about us in their Thursday prayer meeting? Well...you know, the Lord is working in mysterious ways! We don't know what it means for us yet, nor do we know what kind of cooperative relationship we will have, but we have a number of people in our fold who know Pastor Dean, and Ozzie and his family, and other people from the congregation, and we have an opportunity to work in a cooperative relationship with this vital congregation. Pray that the Lord will open up this door for them and for us to have a greater impact in our community for Christ!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Next Worship @ Clearview Cinemas

Worship- Sunday, May 6th @ Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza- 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service. Childcare will be provided. We will meet in Theater 7 at Clearview Cinemas, on the north end of Headquarters Plaza in Morristown. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please park on the "P-2" level, entrance from the Water St. parking entrance.Signs and parking attendants will direct you to the parking area, and up to the elevator to "Clearview Cinemas". People will be there to answer questions and direct you to the worship area. Pray as we prepare for this worship service, and for services at Clearview Cinemas on the first Sunday of every month through the summer.


As we move into the next phase of our ministry, we are establishing a short-term "LIFE-groups strategy. Beginning May 6th, we will begin a new series on the book of Philippians, and then have small groups meeting in various homes to do a follow-up home study on the same Bible passage from Philippians. We will offer 4 home groups:
Monday Evening, 7:30PM- in Denville
Tuesday Evening, 7:30PM- in Roxbury
Wednesday Evening, 7:30PM- in Mendham and Morristown
(Details coming- contact me on my e-mail- pastorpete@optonline.net- for updated information)
In addition, we will have a youth group (Jr. & Sr. High) meeting called, "Solid Rock" meeting @ Diamond Rock Climbing Gym in East Hanover on Sunday evenings (7:00PM) during the same time period, and offer a teaching on the same material.
Pray that the Lord will continue to bless and equip the leadership for these LIFE-groups, and that people will participate and be blessed as we all focus on the same passages during the week that we heard about on the previous Sunday.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter Worship @ Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza

Well, what can I say? The EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE AT CLEARVIEW CINEMAS IN HEADQUARTERS PLAZA WAS A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS! We had 112 people in attendance, and the spirit of the worship service was a spirit of celebration of new life, renew hope and renewed joy! Remember- this was only a "practice worship service"- that is, it was not our "launch" (we still have a lot to do to get organized)- but we truly had an uplifting Easter worship service. The theme of the day was, "What Jesus came to do was to die and rise again!" And, that is also the process by which we grow as believers in Christ- we also die and rise again- many times! [message attached] I want to ask you to say a special prayer of thanks for the leadership team- Parking Attendants, Ushers, Set-up and Take-down team, Sound and Computer Techs, Worship Team, Decorations team, Refreshments team, etc.- about 30 people worked together and worked hard to make it a celebration that exceeded our expectations! Also, remember to thank God for our PRAYER TEAM- throughout the weekend, you saw people in various places praying, pouring out their hearts to God, asking for God's blessing on our church and on our worship service. So many things threatened to interrupt our schedule, and "take people out"- yet, none of it hindered the work, or took any of us out of the game. Especially, thank God for Pastor Dave. Time and time again this week, Sue and I found ourselves saying, "How would we have ever done it without him?" He did more behind the scenes than I could have ever dreamed of accomplishing! But, when I think also of everyone on the leadership team, they ALL worked their best to present this as their BEST offering, to the one who gave His life for us. Yet, not one of us said, "This was the result of this person or this great plan." ALL of us recognized that GOD SHOWED UP! All I can say is- Ephesians 3:20-21- "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." PTL! If you want to see some pictures of the event (taken by Henry Will), click on the link below:

Our next worship service at Clearview Cinemas @ HQP will be on Sunday, May 6th @ 9:30AM (Coffee & Bagels), 10:00AM Worship

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Easter Sunday Worship

Easter Sunday, April 8th- we will hold our worship service at Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza in Morristown. We will have one worship service at 10:00AM, in Theater 7 at Clearview Cinemas, on the north end of Headquarters Plaza in Morristown. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please park on the "P-2" level, entrance from the Water St. parking entrance.Signs and parking attendants will direct you to the parking area, and up to the elevator to "Clearview Cinemas". People will be there to answer questions and direct you to the worship area. Pray for this "trial worship" service, and for services at Clearview Cinemas on the first Sunday of every month through the summer. Pray as we take this next step toward our "launch" in Morristown.
Directions to Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza- From Rt. 80- Take Rt. 80 to Rt. 287 south to Exit 36- "Morris Ave, Ridgedale Ave exit"- follow signs that lead you straight through to Morris Ave, through two lights, at third light by Duncan Donuts, turn right on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Sussex Turnpike- Take Sussex Turnpike east to the end, Speedwell Ave, turn right, 1/4 mile, to 2nd light, Spring St., (you will see "Clearview Cinemas" right in front of you) turn left, 1/4 mile, at 2nd light (at the bottom of the hill), turn right on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Rt. 24 (Rt. 510)- Take Rt. 24/510 East to center of Morristown, "The Green" will be on your left, turn left at light after the Green, through light, straight down hill (Morris Ave.) to next light, by Duncan Donuts, turn left on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

2 more witnessing stories (from my bus driving adventures)

I wanted to share a couple of stories from my travels at Aristocrat:
Recently, I met with a young man named J.J. He works for another bus company, Vanderhoof. We did a trip to Trenton together last spring, and we ate lunch together and shot the breeze back then. A week ago Friday, I was doing a trip to Camelback Ski Area, and J.J. parked right in front of me. He waved, I waved (I didn't recognize him right away). Then, he came on the bus, and we recounted our bus trip to Trenton together. When I asked how he was doing, he said, "Actually, not that good. My mom died October 24th..." I said, "J.J., MY mom died October 24th. It was a Tuesday, right?" "Right" he said, "I'll never forget it" I asked, "How old was she?" He said, "82." I said, "She was born in 1924, right?" "Right", he said. "J.J., MY mom was born in 1924." Was this just a coincidence, or was it a divine appointment- what do you think? Then, I asked him how he dealt with it- he told me how difficult it was- I agreed. Then, he said, "I am having a difficult time dealing with death, and what happens next..." Ahh- an opportunity! So, I asked him, "Can I tell you some of the insights from 1 Corinthians 15 that have given me comfort and assurance?" And, I began to share with him some insights from the word of God about life after death. We only had a few minutes before I had to leave to pick up my group. But, before he left, he said, "It was no accident that I met with you today!" I agree! Those "coincidences" are divine appointments, if we are ready to listen and plug in to when and where the Holy Spirit leads.
Again this week, I was on my weekly Line Run from Roxbury to West Orange, and one of the "regulars" is a man named Jack. We usually talk about sports and news and weather and family and kids and grandchildren, etc.- but, today, he began talking about the death of his wife 7 years ago...I just listened, and asked how he dealt with it- it turns out that he was raised in Bloomfield by his mom as a Baptist, in the former congregation of one of my mentors, Rev. Bob Becker- BLOOMFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH. He expressed that although he had gotten away from church, he still had his faith in the Lord. He shared how a pastor met with him shortly after his wife's death and told him that the Lord still had a purpose for his life, and to memorize Proverbs 3:5-6- We recited it together- "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND DO NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, AND HE WILL MAKE YOUR WAY STRAIGHT!" We talked a little bit about what that verse meant, and then we arrived at the final stop in our line run. Again, I was not "looking" for opportunities to share, but rather the Holy Spirit helped me to "recognize" opportunities to tap into what He already was doing in people's lives. What a blessing! So, Pray for J.J. and Jack, that the words I shared would give them comfort and peace, and will draw them closer to Christ.

What strategy will we use for outreach for "The Well"?

The model that we will be using for our church plant was inspired by a book, “The Master Plan of Evangelism” (a book that we are now studying in our small group meetings on Sunday Evening). This has been a foundation of my approach to ministry over the years. It is a disciplemaking model- that is, the model that Jesus used, focusing on relationships through small group ministries and one-to-one discipleship. We also envision our church becoming a “church without walls”- that is, that we will focus on the ministry that we do when we are “outside of the walls” of a church building, among the people that we are with on a daily basis- in our homes, at our places of work, at our schools, in our communities and neighborhoods.

Why plant a church in Morristown

Why Plant a Church in Morristown?
-Morristown is the county seat, and a place of major influence and opportunity for our entire county
-Morristown is a small city, rather than a large town, with lots of redevelopment and building in the area.
-There are over 112,000 people within a 5 mile radius of the town center ("The Green")
-There is more ethnic diversity in this town than many other towns in Morris County
-Morristown also has a long influential history, dating back to the time of the revolutionary period of our nation. George Washington's headquarters were in Morristown during the major turning point of the Revolutionary War.
-Although there are many churches in the town of Morristown (about 30), there is a significant need for a different approach to reach the many unreached people in the town of Morristown.
-Morristown has a number of vital ministries that impact the entire county, including Market St. Mission, First Choice Women's center, Prison Ministries, branches of Habitat for Humanity & Salvation Army, etc. These ministries provide opportunities for service for people from our church to be involved in.
-We are engaged in discussions with the General Manager of "Clearview Cinemas" about meeting in the Clearview Cinema in Headquarters plaza for worship. This setting is well-know to people throughout the town and throughout the county.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Worship for January 28th & the month of February

We will continue this series on "The Well" and John 4 for one more week- Pastor Dave will be speaking on the topic of "The Well" itself. Also, we will continue our study on "Why I believe" during the Sunday School hour- "Why I Believe: The Lord's Supper". We have had lots of lively discussion, and a free exchange of ideas as we prepare to formulate our doctinal statement for "The Well Christian Ministry".
Our Worship & SS schedule is:
9:30AM- Sunday School/Adult Bible Study (continuing our study on "Why I Believe- The Lord's Supper")
10:30AM- Worship
Worship for January 28th will be at the Mescalls-
Directions to the Mescalls- 6 Gunther St.- Go to the center of Mendham (Intersection of Rt. 24 & Rt. 525/Mountain Ave.), heading east on Rt. 24 toward Morristown, light at the corner by the Black Horse Inn- go LEFT(North) for 2 blocks- turn LEFT on Wilson St., 1 block, RIGHT on Gunther St., follow road around (will turn left then right), 1st house after you make the right turn around the bend is #6- white house, blue shutters, basketball hoop in driveway, 973-543-6038

Worship for the month of February (February 4, 11, 18, 25) will be at the Zoltners- 4 King Hill Ct. Denville- (Rt. 10 heading EAST, past light by Franklin Rd, past Denville Auto dealers (Acura, Infiniti, Saturn), to light at the top of the hill- make U-turn, head WEST on Rt. 10, down hill, RIGHT on HILL RD, 1st RIGHT- King Hill Ct, 2nd house on the LEFT.)
Please pray for us as we continue in our "House Church" format.