Monday, November 27, 2006

Transition into a "House Church"

For the Christmas and New Year Holidays, we will be moving into a "house church" worship format after the final Bible Study and Prayer meeting. We will have Sunday School for the children and youth at 6:00PM, and Adult Bible study on issues regarding our proposed Statement of Faith. This will be followed by worship at 7:00PM (with messages on the Christmas holidays). Then, on December 31st (New Years Eve) we will move into a Sunday morning Sunday School/Adult Bible Study and Worship service. Here is a schedule for the next few weeks:
Sunday, December 3rd- 7:00PM- Final prayer meeting and Bible study- [Epilogue-"Master Plan"] (Address-Tom & Suzann Zoltner- 4 King Hill Ct. Denville)
Sunday, December 10th- 6:00PM- Sunday School for the Children and youth; Adult Bible study on our proposed Statement of Faith (Including such topics as The Bible, The Trinity, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, the etc. The first topic of study will be the section on "Means of Grace", specifically Baptism and Holy Communion)
7:00PM- Worship (Zoltners- 4 King Hill Ct., Denville)- message on the Christmas theme
Sunday, December 17th- 6:00PM- Sunday School/Adult Bible Study
7:00PM- Worship (Mescalls- 6 Gunther Rd., Mendham)-message on the Christmas theme
Saturday, December 23rd (note change in day)- 5:00PM- family dinner
7:00PM- Worship (Location- Our Home- 1A Point Pleasant Rd)- message on the Christmas theme
Sunday, December 31st- begin morning Sunday School/Adult Bible Study & Worship
9:30AM- Sunday School/Adult Bible Study
10:30AM- Worship (Location- Our home- 1A Point Pleasant Rd.)
Sunday, January 7th- 9:30AM- Sunday School/Adult Bible Study
10:30AM- Worship (Location- Mescalls- 6 Gunther Rd., Mendham)
Please pray for us as we make this transition into our "House Church" format.

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