Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Brooklyn Tabernacle

Sue & I want to thank God for our experience in worship at the well-known inner city church, Brooklyn Tabernacle. This vital church is not only known for its choir (The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir), but especially for its commitment to prayer as the foundation for this entire ministry. The pastor's (Jim Cymbala's) book, "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" outlines this strategy and emphasis. Sue and I felt that we were ministered to in a very real way. During the service, we heard from two missionaries. One woman and her husband were ministering to both Israelis and Palestinians in northern Israel. Many of the believers there- both Jewish and Arab- had to meet in secret, since their lives were in danger because of their conversion to Christianity. Then, another pastor spoke about his work among the poor in Peru- literally reaching millions of people through medical missions. Boy, did we feel like wimps whenever we talk about how we have "suffered" for the gospel in the US. We haven't felt 1/10th of the pressure that these people felt every day. But, the Lord is with them, and blessing their ministry in these critical days. Then, during the prayer time, the church dedicated the work of over 120 volunteers who were preparing to work this week at a summer day camp for abused and neglected inner city kids! Pray that their efforts will be a success. There were two altar calls during the morning worship service- one even before the message was preached! The place was "electric" with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, so that dozens of people (including Sue and me) went forward just as an act of submission to the Lord, and an appeal to Him for His will and purpose for our lives to be lived out in us. The message that was shared was on the Holy Spirit, and although it was a basic message from passages of scripture that we were familiar with, yet there was an anointing on the message that made it very real and very personal for us. When Pastor Cymbala called people forward for a second time that day- this time, "for those who feel called to a new and very different type of ministry", we jumped out of our seats and went forward, and dedicated ourselves again to be used whenever and wherever the Lord wanted us. The atmosphere of prayer, and the sweetness of the presence of the Holy Spirit made this vital church one of the most exciting inner-city churches we have visited.
Some of you had expressed that you wanted to attend the prayer meeting at Brooklyn Tabernacle- please send an e-mail back to me if you would like to join us. We will probably go on a Tuesday evening (the prayer meeting begins at 7:00PM) in September or October. Come and join us, if you can, and prepare to be blessed.

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