Monday, June 19, 2006

Calvary Chapel of Morris Hills

On Sunday, June 18th, we attended worship at Calvary Chapel of Morris Hills in Dover. This new congregation is less than two years old, so we got to see how a church operates in its early phases of ministry. I was pleasantly surprised at how much was accomplished at so early a stage. The Pastor, "Pastor Jim", spoke on the opening verses of Paul's letter to the Galatians. It was a clear teaching, with many applications to our lives at this point. Especially, I was impacted by his reminder of Paul's CALL to be an Apostle, and the fact that God's calling is RECOGNIZED, not VALIDATED (or invalidated) by man. Then, we as believers recognize what God has already done, and we move ahead based on God's calling despite the obstacles, problems, or criticism that we may receive in the fulfillment of God's call. That's a good reminder for all of us. God HAS a calling for all of us, and we need to find out what it is, and do it!
Calvary Chapel is a church planting movement based on the vision of Chuck Smith in the mid-1960's, and the Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California. At that time,"Contemporary Christian Music" was unheard of, and there was little to no outreach to the "hippies" and young people who were searching for answers in the mid-1960's. Chuck Smith formed one of the largest churches in America at that time, reaching out to the "hippies"- and thus, the "Jesus Movement" was begun (of which I am a product). The movement still seeks to reach many of our young people who are "counter-culture" in our day, who have been turned off by traditional churches. Pray that God continues to bless this wonderful new church in our area.

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