Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Reflections of a bus driver

I recently got the job at Aristocrat Bus & Limo company, so that I can do some "tentmaking" ministry- that is, to secure a secular job so that I will not be a financial burden to the mission. The attached picture is of the bus I drove on my first bus run last week. During the spring season, I will be taking a few "training runs" to acclimate me to the job, to familiarize me with the routine, and to get used to driving again. I took one run last week to bring a baseball team from Parsippany High School to Brick High School to play a double header. It was about a 2 hour drive, then I had 6 hours on the bus to type, make phone calls, rest, read, etc. then, 2 hours return trip. It is interesting- I was writing a Bible study on Acts 27 during this time, and it is about Paul on a ship on the ocean during a storm, and how he was the one who took over as "captain" of the ship. And, one of his lines was, "And the Lord has given me those who sail with me." In other words, the Lord used him to protect all the people on the ship. I pray that prayer every time I get on the bus- "Lord, you have given me the responsibility for all those who are aboard this bus. Protect us all for the sake of your name, and for all the families that they represent." I believe that I can get used to the job.
But, there has been another interesting lesson from this job. Who am I? For almost 26 years, if you asked me, I would have answered, "Pastor Pete". But, when I am on this job, who am I? Am I the "bus driver"? Actually, I have had to learn to become "a person", a Christian person, and not just defined by my role as pastor. That is a healthy perspective, I believe. It is easy as a pastor to get an insulated, isolated view of life as you spend time mostly with other Christians, in church settings, in the role of "a pastor". Now, I'm relearning how to become a man of God without the role- living, serving, working within the world, rubbing shoulders with bus drivers and group leaders and kids on a regular basis, learning how to be a witness again by serving and representing Christ in everyday settings.
For all of us, it is a good lesson- who are you? Have you defined yourself by your role- by your job? Are you a "corporate executive"- a "builder"- a "teacher"? Who are you? Remember always- first and foremost, you are a PERSON, made in the image of God, remade by the new birth in Christ Jesus.

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