Monday, March 13, 2006

Church Visits- Summit LBC, Mt. Olive

February 19, 2006- Summit Lutheran Brethren Church, Mt. Olive, NJ
Of course, our first visit was to our closest sister church, Summit Lutheran Brethren Church. This church, which was started by Hillside during the year of their 50th anniversary (2000), is led by my good friend, Peter Bradford. There were about 45 people in attendance at a worship service held in the Vasa Park Recreation Center building. Finding it may have been a bit difficult for some people- we didn't see signs by the road or toward the building. Sunday School was spread out in 4 corners of the rec room- Small children in one corner, grade school children in another corner, teens in another corner, and adults in another. The adult class was on "The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse"- WOW- what a class! A great (and difficult) topic- some lively discussion. After the class, there was some informal time. People seemed to intermingle not only amongst themselves, but with their visitors that day. The worship service was simple and intimate- a mix of praise choruses and traditional hymns. Pastor Bradford and Elder Curt Frustol invited our family to come up so that the church might pray for us and our new venture- a beautiful and meaningful time for us and for our family. Pastor Pete's message was impassioned and relevant, as usual. After the worship service, there was plenty of coffee and cake- almost everybody stayed and fellowshipped together for this time. They seem to be a close-knit bunch!
All in all, the worship at this church was a pleasant and enriching experience. Although we are "on assignment" to visit a lot of churches this winter and spring, we are grateful to call Summit LBC our "Home Base". Be sure to visit this wonderful church sometime in the near future!

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