Monday, September 08, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of September 7th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, we celebrated our first year of ministry of "The Well" at our Church picnic at Lewis Morris Park. We had a beautiful day, great worship, great prayer, good food, good fellowship, lots of fun. We have been in operation at Clearview Cinemas for a year now (our official "Launch Date" was September 9th, 2007), and we took some time to reflect on God's goodness this year. We had some open reflection time, and we talked about what we learned about "mission" over this past year. Here are some of the lessons some of the people shared at our worship service yesterday:
-"Mission is sometimes (often?) difficult- it involves some determination and perseverance. It means holding on long enough to see things happen, and capitalizing on what and whom God brings your way."
-"Mission involves getting to know people, meeting them where they are, helping them to take "the next step" that God has for them."
-"Mission means that we all need to 'step up'. Things don't "just happen" in a mission church; we need to make them happen. It puts pressure on each of us- but, that is not necessarily bad. It prompts us to act and become involved, rather than to step back and wait for others to act."
-"Mission means that we must absolutely believe that God is going to "show up" and do things to supply us the resources and people that we need in order to succeed."
-"Mission means that we need to expect surprises! Things happen when you PRAY and then WATCH. The key is to recognize what God is doing, and to 'get into the FLOW'".
-"Mission means being part of a 'bigger picture'- that is, that we need to recognize that there are other churches, other mission ventures in Morristown at this time, and we need to pray and partner with them in order to be more effective."
-"We have a wonderful sense of being 'a church without walls' as we are outside in this pavilion, with a cool summer breeze blowing through. We are thankful that we have such an open setting for worship in Clearview Cinemas. It is an easy place for new people to come. We need to continue to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us, bringing refreshment and renewal to all who come into our circle. We also need to be free and open to receive new people into our circle- people who may be different that we are, but who need to see Christ in us."
-We reflected on some specific developments that we experienced over this past year, especially our relationship with IGLESIA ALIANZA (and, partnering with them in joint ministries- specifically, Reel to Real Kids & MYFAITH)
-We also were reflecting with thanks on our new FLOW-Groups that have begun, as well as more people going through First Steps and One-to-One discipleship.
-We also shared some enthusiasm about some developments that we are excited about as we come into this new season (2008-2009)- specifically, Pastor Dave's enthusiasm for a "Youth Ministry" group meeting on Sunday evenings (time & location- TBD), Sue and beginning a new women's Bible Study (using a Beth Moore study, "Believing God"- location & time TBD), "The True Strength Club" starting at Market Street Mission (beginning date, days & times TBD- when the room is ready), other new "FLOW-groups", advertising at Clearview Cinemas, Morristown Community day, etc.
-Then, I took some time to reflect on a book that I had received from a friend of mine, Tom Mitchell (the father of the bride from our wedding last weekend). The book was called, Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli. In that book, he reflected on the idea that if one is going to be truly effective in mission, one has to be willing to recognize that sometimes, it can be messy. People are messy- and, to be honest, we can sometimes be messy as well! Our lives are not as orderly and spiritual as we would like. But, when we are transparent and willing to be open about our own failures and struggles (and, especially, our need for God in our struggles), then maybe others will be more open to share their needs and struggles- and their need for God! Then, we took a look at what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-24- that the Apostle Paul- "Saint Paul" had struggles every day with a battle that went on inside of him- "The good that I want- that is not what I do; but the evil I do not want- that is what I do!" He was transparent- he was "real" about his own personal struggle! This passage reflects the struggle that goes on in every believer- you and me! But, it need not end in just "struggle"- he continued on in Romans 7:25- Romans 8:1-11- "Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord..." That there is life! There is hope! There is freedom through Jesus Christ! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will also live life to us, if we just are open, if we just trust Him to do His work in and through us!
Pray that we may continue to trust this- to trust HIM as we begin our second year with "The Well".

Next Sunday, we will continue our regular worship at Clearview Cinemas @ 10:00AM (9:30AM- continental breakfast and coffee) at Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza. We will begin our next series of messages, entitled, "Fired Up- The Church in the book of Acts". Pastor Dave & I are really excited about this as we begin our 2nd year with "The Well"!
Here is the outline of the series for this month-
September 14, 2008- Introduction to Acts- The Fired Up Church
September 21, 2008- Acts 1:8- Our Power, Purpose & Plan
September 28, 2008- an overview of the book of Acts (Pastor Dave)

Remember to thank the Lord and pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities this fall.
Sunday afternoons, 12:30PM at Bill's Luncheonette in Ironia (beginning October 5th)- First Steps- part 2
Location & time TBD- Women's Bible Study (Topic- Beth Moore "Believing God" Bible Study)
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Purpose Driven Life"
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project" (An in-depth study on worldview and culture)