Friday, July 04, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of June 29th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, the two congregations, The Well & Iglesia Alianza celebrated MYFAITH Sunday. We celebrated this service in theater # 6- the large theater. It was a full house- PTL- and everyone there felt a great sense of the Holy Spirit moving over all of us.
There were 11 students that completed the class this year (one student, Jake Baker finished the class, but was away for a family vacation this past weekend. We will celebrate his graduation on July 27th). The graduates are:
Josselin Avalos Jake Baker
Nathan Bracewell Kyle Detombeur
Arturo Garcia Robert Griffith
Max Mescall Lydia Saldajeno
Tara Saldajeno Jessica Tello
Desiree Zamora
Some highlights of the service:
-The worship was fabulous. We had a worship team comprised of members of Iglesia Alianza and The Well, along with students from the "Myfaith" class (Robert Griffith & Tara Saldajeno). We sang some choruses in English, some in Spanish. It was beautiful to sing in two languages, but one heart.
-Josselin Avalos opened with prayer (the "St. Francis of Assisi prayer"- "Lord, make me in instrument of your peace..."
-Nate Bracewell shared an overview of the class- what the students studied, as well as the "So What" for each class- that is, how each lesson impacted them personally.
-Kyle Detombeur, Max Mescall and Desiree Zamora shared their personal testimonies.
-Jessica Tello & Lydia Saldajeno read their favorite passages of scripture, and shared a little bit of what each one meant to them personally.
-Arturo Garcia shared about our "Myfaith" service project- we sponsor a compassion child named Angie, from Ecuador.
The students did an excellent job with their portion of the service.
Pastor Dean, Pastor Dave and I gave a charge to the students, especially to "press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus". This is not "graduation" from the Christian life. That comes when we meet face to face with the Lord on the Day of Judgment. But, this was a major step in preparation for life as servants and witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There was also a section of the service called the "Parent's blessing"- that is, parents had an opportunity to give a blessing to their students, and to the other "Myfaith" students. Not a dry eye in the house...
The guest preacher for this service was Pastor Charlie Harrah. He gave us a challenge from Philippians 2:12-15- "Work it it out...shine it out! As I wrote last week, Pastor Harrah had a major role in planting seeds, especially in the planting of the Iglesia Alianza and in preparing some of the leadership at The Well. So, it was fitting that he should
It was a very moving service- very enriching to all who were in attendance!
Thank the Lord for this fabulous Sunday!
Also, FYI- my nephew, Patrick Buesing is a professional videographer (working in NYC), and he did a DVD of the service for us. We will have copies of a DVD of the service available for every family of the students, as well as others who request a copy.

This coming Sunday, we will continue our series, "The God Who Asks Questions":
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- What do you want Me to do for you? (Mark 10:46-52)
Sunday, August 24- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God an answer.

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- Sunday, July 6th) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (About Personal Revival)
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project" (An in-depth study on worldview and culture from "Focus on the Family")


-Continue to pray for the missions that we support at The Well-
Market Street Mission (local ministry)
Carl Galyon- Church Dynamics International (national ministry)
Barry Jordan- CMA International Ministries- Papua, New Guinea (international ministry) [Prayer Report- Dear prayer partners, Oswald Chambers writes, "We count as service what we do in the way of Christian work; Jesus Christ calls service what we are to Him, not what we do for Him. Discipleship is based on devotion to Jesus Christ, not on adherence to a belief or a creed...Today we have substituted creedal belief for personal belief, and that is why so many are devoted to causes and so few devoted to Jesus Christ." Much has changed since I last wrote. Three days before we left Papua, June 5th, my Dad, Norman Jordan, went to be with Jesus. He was 84 years old and loved the Lord with all his heart. He was so ready for heaven! We are presently living at the JAARS Center, in North Carolina, (phone number 704-843-8055) where my Mom and Dad served God for the last 25 years. My brothers, sister, and other family and friends will be joining us and my Mom here on July 5th for a memorial service. PRAISE THE LORD with us for this time of celebration and PLEASE PRAY for all us Jordans as we grieve the loss of our dear loved one. Jennifer leaves tomorrow for an MK re-entry seminar at Biola University in California. Having known Indonesia as home for 18 years, it has been hard for Jennifer to say good-bye and close this chapter of life. PLEASE PRAY that she will do well adjusting to the new challenges of States-side living and college. My Mom, Muriel Jordan, will conclude her service here at the JAARS Center (the service arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators) and will move to the Advent Christian Village in Dowling Park, Florida. Many of her JAARS friends have retired and now live in the Village. I will be taking my Mom down to Florida at the end of July. PLEASE PRAY for my Mom as she adjusts to life without her husband of 64 years. On August 1st we will be packing up our stuff and moving up to Nyack, New York. We will begin our year-long responsibilities as Missionary-in-Residence at Nyack College. One note of PRAISE is about our vehicle situation. My Dad had arranged to get us a vehicle for our time in NC. He was only able to get us a full-sized van. Not ideal for short trips because of gas prices but very capable of moving ALL our stuff to NY. Then my Mom, who doesn't drive much, has decided not to bring her car to Florida, so we have her small, more economical car, to get around here in NC and then use to take the family to NY. PRAISE THE LORD with us for these huge blessings. We're also grateful for the furnished apartment close to Mom's house that we're staying at during this month in NC. One final PRAISE from ministry in Papua: Marinus, the head of TEPAT, our contextual outreach to "cousins," reports that 203 "cousins" were enrolled at TEPAT's nine kindergartens this last year and that 76 students received Jesus as their Savior!!! PRAISE THE LORD with us for this strategic outreach to "cousins."Call us if you get a chance!!Devoted to Jesus, Barry and Patty]

-Also, I have been in conversation with some of the leaders at Market Street Mission. There are a couple of issues that we need to pray for:
-Pray for their court hearing in early July about the opening of their new work in Asbury Park- The Jersey Shore Rescue Mission. They have been opposed by local zoning officials, but this decision is being challenged, and the courts are going to be involved in settling the question of whether or not they can open this needed ministry in the Asbury Park community. Pray that the doors will be opened to expand this great work into this new area.
-Also, there is interest in starting up a more organized weight training program for the men at MSM. I have looked at the room that they use, and they have some good equipment, but they need to upgrade the equipment and brighten up the room a bit first (paint, carpet, lighting, etc). Then we need to pray about and recruit some new leaders who can supervise this program, to expand the ministry and encourage the men in "spiritual and physical fitness". Pray that the Lord will make a way for this to happen sometime soon!

-Pray also as I seek to get my "School Bus" endorsement on my license this summer, so that I get a more predictable schedule, so that I can plan and attend various ministries in our community to further the work at "The Well". I passed my written test this past week, and I have my road test on July 22nd. Keep praying! Pray also that I can get regular work- I have applied at East Hanover Township, and will also apply at Morristown (why not? 5 minutes from our home!)


From Pastor Dean Bracewell- Hi Peter! Just an update on my dad. He's done w/ chemo and is regaining his strength. He's been cutting grass on his riding lawn mower, using the weed trimmer and going out on walks. Lately his feet have been uncoordinated for things like playing piano and driving(!). So he's not going to drive until his feet are back to normal. Thanks for having him in the prayer notes. Dean

From Don Thompson- Mom was moved to the Whiting Health Care Center on Monday evening, after a week in the Hospital. The Dr.s felt she was healing well and ready to start her PT. We were told that they "got it all" but that there was no guarantee that the Melanoma would not come back. There will be no additional treatment (chemo or radiation) at this time. Please keep praying that it would not return and that she will be completely healed. Her spirits are very good. Love you all, Don

-Please pray for Nick Witte- there were complications with Nick's eye surgery (cataract) on Tuesday. Apparently, the cataract slipped behind the eye and is on the retina, so he needed an additional emergency surgery this morning in New York City. Linda asked for prayers to cover Nick, travel, the surgery, the doctors, etc. 5:30PM- Update- operation went well, but it was more extensive than originally anticipated. Pray for complete healing, for Nick's vision to return to normal, and for relief from his pain.

-Also, thank God for Matt & Nen Pagano, who were married this past weekend. Matt's brother, Mike officiated at his first wedding- did a great job! Pray that God will bless their life together.

-For Healing and Strength- Anita Sears (my aunt), Dean Bracewell's dad, Patti Pagano's dad, Jack Van Bemmel (Jim Mescall's dad).

That's about all for now. Hope to see you soon!
Because He Lives!
Pastor Pete