Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vision workshop- April 26th

I would also like to invite you ALL to consider joining us for a "Vision Workshop" on Saturday, April 26th from 9:00AM- 12:00noon at the Morris County Library, 30 East Hanover Ave in Whippany (right outside of Morristown). When we "launched" this ministry, we had a period of study that lasted for about 5 months last Winter and Spring (our study in "Nehemiah- how to build our ministry on our vision and purpose"- remember that?) NOW, we want to assess (one year later)- How are we doing? WE NEED YOUR INPUT AND FEEDBACK AT THIS CRITICAL JUNCTURE FOR OUR CHURCH! This is what our facilitator (my "coach" in church planting, Carl Galyon) had to say about our session together-
"We will focus on Matthew 28 and introduce the climate necessary for changed lives, healthy growth and reproduction. We will make it as interactive as possible, in order to help each person assume ownership for what the Lord wants to do through them. Our goals are:1. To introduce and lay the groundwork of biblical principles and a process of ministry.2. To create greater unity and sense of ownership of what God wants to do through each person who is connected with The Well individually."
Good stuff! Remember that our initial vision was to focus on becoming more of a "disciplemaking church", as well as "a church without walls". Carl is probably more instrumental in formulating that vision in me than anyone (in my early phase of ministry)- so, I wanted to invite him to "share the wealth". I am sure that you will enjoy our time together!

How to Contact me

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