Monday, October 25, 2010

Series for the Fall of 2010

Our new series, entitled, "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" is a series that I believe will have a great impact on all of us! Jesus said that we are to "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." (Luke 10:27)- but, sometimes we don't truly allow this to happen. We repress and deny our emotions, and so, we live in defeat and in powerlessness because we do not deal with some of our emotional (and thus, spiritual) brokenness. This series will ask the question, "How do we get into the 'flow'- the pace, the rhythm of what God is doing, when He is doing it, how He is doing it." Specifically, we would like to ask all of the people who are involved with our church to commit to 3 things over these next two months, to grow in our relationship with God in a way that truly touches- and CHANGES- our hearts:

1) Attend the Sunday Worship Services at "The Well", as you will hear messages on the main themes of the book:
September 19th- The Problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
7 Pathways to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
September 26th- 1. Know Yourself that You May Know God
October 3rd- 2. Going Back in Order to Go Forward
October 10th- 3. Journey Through the Wall
October 17th- 4. Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss
October 24th- 5. Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office and Sabbath
October 31st- 6. Grow into an Emotionally Mature Adult
November 7th- 7. Go the Next Step to Develop a “Rule of Life”
2) Attend a small group Bible Study ("FLOW-Group") for the next 8 weeks on this topic, ."Emotionally Healthy Spirituality".
Small groups will be held in the following homes:
We offer 5 "FLOW groups" (small groups for Fellowship, Learning, Outreach and Worship) in various communities, at various times:
Sunday Afternoons- 12:30PM (after church)- "Pizza & Bible Study" at the Amerman's home in Randolph- (1097 Sussex Tpk.- Ph. # 862-242-8289)
Tuesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Carolyn McLaughlin, (610 Berkshire Valley Rd., Wharton- Ph. # 973-989-0378)
Tuesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909)
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM- Women's Bible Study at the Amerman's home in Randolph- (1097 Sussex Turnpike, Randolph- Ph. # 862-242-8289)
Thursday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637)

3) Take time throughout the day (during these 8 weeks) to meet with the Lord personally, using the "Daily Office" devotional book (copies will be made available at church on Sunday mornings).
God is speaking. We just need to open up our hearts, and give Him time as we truly listen to Him. I especially look forward to all the testimonies as we find that the Lord has worked in miraculous ways to truly HEAL our hearts as we seek to develop a truly "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality".

Monday, September 08, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of September 7th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, we celebrated our first year of ministry of "The Well" at our Church picnic at Lewis Morris Park. We had a beautiful day, great worship, great prayer, good food, good fellowship, lots of fun. We have been in operation at Clearview Cinemas for a year now (our official "Launch Date" was September 9th, 2007), and we took some time to reflect on God's goodness this year. We had some open reflection time, and we talked about what we learned about "mission" over this past year. Here are some of the lessons some of the people shared at our worship service yesterday:
-"Mission is sometimes (often?) difficult- it involves some determination and perseverance. It means holding on long enough to see things happen, and capitalizing on what and whom God brings your way."
-"Mission involves getting to know people, meeting them where they are, helping them to take "the next step" that God has for them."
-"Mission means that we all need to 'step up'. Things don't "just happen" in a mission church; we need to make them happen. It puts pressure on each of us- but, that is not necessarily bad. It prompts us to act and become involved, rather than to step back and wait for others to act."
-"Mission means that we must absolutely believe that God is going to "show up" and do things to supply us the resources and people that we need in order to succeed."
-"Mission means that we need to expect surprises! Things happen when you PRAY and then WATCH. The key is to recognize what God is doing, and to 'get into the FLOW'".
-"Mission means being part of a 'bigger picture'- that is, that we need to recognize that there are other churches, other mission ventures in Morristown at this time, and we need to pray and partner with them in order to be more effective."
-"We have a wonderful sense of being 'a church without walls' as we are outside in this pavilion, with a cool summer breeze blowing through. We are thankful that we have such an open setting for worship in Clearview Cinemas. It is an easy place for new people to come. We need to continue to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through us, bringing refreshment and renewal to all who come into our circle. We also need to be free and open to receive new people into our circle- people who may be different that we are, but who need to see Christ in us."
-We reflected on some specific developments that we experienced over this past year, especially our relationship with IGLESIA ALIANZA (and, partnering with them in joint ministries- specifically, Reel to Real Kids & MYFAITH)
-We also were reflecting with thanks on our new FLOW-Groups that have begun, as well as more people going through First Steps and One-to-One discipleship.
-We also shared some enthusiasm about some developments that we are excited about as we come into this new season (2008-2009)- specifically, Pastor Dave's enthusiasm for a "Youth Ministry" group meeting on Sunday evenings (time & location- TBD), Sue and beginning a new women's Bible Study (using a Beth Moore study, "Believing God"- location & time TBD), "The True Strength Club" starting at Market Street Mission (beginning date, days & times TBD- when the room is ready), other new "FLOW-groups", advertising at Clearview Cinemas, Morristown Community day, etc.
-Then, I took some time to reflect on a book that I had received from a friend of mine, Tom Mitchell (the father of the bride from our wedding last weekend). The book was called, Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli. In that book, he reflected on the idea that if one is going to be truly effective in mission, one has to be willing to recognize that sometimes, it can be messy. People are messy- and, to be honest, we can sometimes be messy as well! Our lives are not as orderly and spiritual as we would like. But, when we are transparent and willing to be open about our own failures and struggles (and, especially, our need for God in our struggles), then maybe others will be more open to share their needs and struggles- and their need for God! Then, we took a look at what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-24- that the Apostle Paul- "Saint Paul" had struggles every day with a battle that went on inside of him- "The good that I want- that is not what I do; but the evil I do not want- that is what I do!" He was transparent- he was "real" about his own personal struggle! This passage reflects the struggle that goes on in every believer- you and me! But, it need not end in just "struggle"- he continued on in Romans 7:25- Romans 8:1-11- "Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord..." That there is life! There is hope! There is freedom through Jesus Christ! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will also live life to us, if we just are open, if we just trust Him to do His work in and through us!
Pray that we may continue to trust this- to trust HIM as we begin our second year with "The Well".

Next Sunday, we will continue our regular worship at Clearview Cinemas @ 10:00AM (9:30AM- continental breakfast and coffee) at Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza. We will begin our next series of messages, entitled, "Fired Up- The Church in the book of Acts". Pastor Dave & I are really excited about this as we begin our 2nd year with "The Well"!
Here is the outline of the series for this month-
September 14, 2008- Introduction to Acts- The Fired Up Church
September 21, 2008- Acts 1:8- Our Power, Purpose & Plan
September 28, 2008- an overview of the book of Acts (Pastor Dave)

Remember to thank the Lord and pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities this fall.
Sunday afternoons, 12:30PM at Bill's Luncheonette in Ironia (beginning October 5th)- First Steps- part 2
Location & time TBD- Women's Bible Study (Topic- Beth Moore "Believing God" Bible Study)
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Purpose Driven Life"
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project" (An in-depth study on worldview and culture)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of June 29th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, the two congregations, The Well & Iglesia Alianza celebrated MYFAITH Sunday. We celebrated this service in theater # 6- the large theater. It was a full house- PTL- and everyone there felt a great sense of the Holy Spirit moving over all of us.
There were 11 students that completed the class this year (one student, Jake Baker finished the class, but was away for a family vacation this past weekend. We will celebrate his graduation on July 27th). The graduates are:
Josselin Avalos Jake Baker
Nathan Bracewell Kyle Detombeur
Arturo Garcia Robert Griffith
Max Mescall Lydia Saldajeno
Tara Saldajeno Jessica Tello
Desiree Zamora
Some highlights of the service:
-The worship was fabulous. We had a worship team comprised of members of Iglesia Alianza and The Well, along with students from the "Myfaith" class (Robert Griffith & Tara Saldajeno). We sang some choruses in English, some in Spanish. It was beautiful to sing in two languages, but one heart.
-Josselin Avalos opened with prayer (the "St. Francis of Assisi prayer"- "Lord, make me in instrument of your peace..."
-Nate Bracewell shared an overview of the class- what the students studied, as well as the "So What" for each class- that is, how each lesson impacted them personally.
-Kyle Detombeur, Max Mescall and Desiree Zamora shared their personal testimonies.
-Jessica Tello & Lydia Saldajeno read their favorite passages of scripture, and shared a little bit of what each one meant to them personally.
-Arturo Garcia shared about our "Myfaith" service project- we sponsor a compassion child named Angie, from Ecuador.
The students did an excellent job with their portion of the service.
Pastor Dean, Pastor Dave and I gave a charge to the students, especially to "press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus". This is not "graduation" from the Christian life. That comes when we meet face to face with the Lord on the Day of Judgment. But, this was a major step in preparation for life as servants and witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There was also a section of the service called the "Parent's blessing"- that is, parents had an opportunity to give a blessing to their students, and to the other "Myfaith" students. Not a dry eye in the house...
The guest preacher for this service was Pastor Charlie Harrah. He gave us a challenge from Philippians 2:12-15- "Work it it out...shine it out! As I wrote last week, Pastor Harrah had a major role in planting seeds, especially in the planting of the Iglesia Alianza and in preparing some of the leadership at The Well. So, it was fitting that he should
It was a very moving service- very enriching to all who were in attendance!
Thank the Lord for this fabulous Sunday!
Also, FYI- my nephew, Patrick Buesing is a professional videographer (working in NYC), and he did a DVD of the service for us. We will have copies of a DVD of the service available for every family of the students, as well as others who request a copy.

This coming Sunday, we will continue our series, "The God Who Asks Questions":
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- What do you want Me to do for you? (Mark 10:46-52)
Sunday, August 24- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God an answer.

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- Sunday, July 6th) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (About Personal Revival)
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project" (An in-depth study on worldview and culture from "Focus on the Family")


-Continue to pray for the missions that we support at The Well-
Market Street Mission (local ministry)
Carl Galyon- Church Dynamics International (national ministry)
Barry Jordan- CMA International Ministries- Papua, New Guinea (international ministry) [Prayer Report- Dear prayer partners, Oswald Chambers writes, "We count as service what we do in the way of Christian work; Jesus Christ calls service what we are to Him, not what we do for Him. Discipleship is based on devotion to Jesus Christ, not on adherence to a belief or a creed...Today we have substituted creedal belief for personal belief, and that is why so many are devoted to causes and so few devoted to Jesus Christ." Much has changed since I last wrote. Three days before we left Papua, June 5th, my Dad, Norman Jordan, went to be with Jesus. He was 84 years old and loved the Lord with all his heart. He was so ready for heaven! We are presently living at the JAARS Center, in North Carolina, (phone number 704-843-8055) where my Mom and Dad served God for the last 25 years. My brothers, sister, and other family and friends will be joining us and my Mom here on July 5th for a memorial service. PRAISE THE LORD with us for this time of celebration and PLEASE PRAY for all us Jordans as we grieve the loss of our dear loved one. Jennifer leaves tomorrow for an MK re-entry seminar at Biola University in California. Having known Indonesia as home for 18 years, it has been hard for Jennifer to say good-bye and close this chapter of life. PLEASE PRAY that she will do well adjusting to the new challenges of States-side living and college. My Mom, Muriel Jordan, will conclude her service here at the JAARS Center (the service arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators) and will move to the Advent Christian Village in Dowling Park, Florida. Many of her JAARS friends have retired and now live in the Village. I will be taking my Mom down to Florida at the end of July. PLEASE PRAY for my Mom as she adjusts to life without her husband of 64 years. On August 1st we will be packing up our stuff and moving up to Nyack, New York. We will begin our year-long responsibilities as Missionary-in-Residence at Nyack College. One note of PRAISE is about our vehicle situation. My Dad had arranged to get us a vehicle for our time in NC. He was only able to get us a full-sized van. Not ideal for short trips because of gas prices but very capable of moving ALL our stuff to NY. Then my Mom, who doesn't drive much, has decided not to bring her car to Florida, so we have her small, more economical car, to get around here in NC and then use to take the family to NY. PRAISE THE LORD with us for these huge blessings. We're also grateful for the furnished apartment close to Mom's house that we're staying at during this month in NC. One final PRAISE from ministry in Papua: Marinus, the head of TEPAT, our contextual outreach to "cousins," reports that 203 "cousins" were enrolled at TEPAT's nine kindergartens this last year and that 76 students received Jesus as their Savior!!! PRAISE THE LORD with us for this strategic outreach to "cousins."Call us if you get a chance!!Devoted to Jesus, Barry and Patty]

-Also, I have been in conversation with some of the leaders at Market Street Mission. There are a couple of issues that we need to pray for:
-Pray for their court hearing in early July about the opening of their new work in Asbury Park- The Jersey Shore Rescue Mission. They have been opposed by local zoning officials, but this decision is being challenged, and the courts are going to be involved in settling the question of whether or not they can open this needed ministry in the Asbury Park community. Pray that the doors will be opened to expand this great work into this new area.
-Also, there is interest in starting up a more organized weight training program for the men at MSM. I have looked at the room that they use, and they have some good equipment, but they need to upgrade the equipment and brighten up the room a bit first (paint, carpet, lighting, etc). Then we need to pray about and recruit some new leaders who can supervise this program, to expand the ministry and encourage the men in "spiritual and physical fitness". Pray that the Lord will make a way for this to happen sometime soon!

-Pray also as I seek to get my "School Bus" endorsement on my license this summer, so that I get a more predictable schedule, so that I can plan and attend various ministries in our community to further the work at "The Well". I passed my written test this past week, and I have my road test on July 22nd. Keep praying! Pray also that I can get regular work- I have applied at East Hanover Township, and will also apply at Morristown (why not? 5 minutes from our home!)


From Pastor Dean Bracewell- Hi Peter! Just an update on my dad. He's done w/ chemo and is regaining his strength. He's been cutting grass on his riding lawn mower, using the weed trimmer and going out on walks. Lately his feet have been uncoordinated for things like playing piano and driving(!). So he's not going to drive until his feet are back to normal. Thanks for having him in the prayer notes. Dean

From Don Thompson- Mom was moved to the Whiting Health Care Center on Monday evening, after a week in the Hospital. The Dr.s felt she was healing well and ready to start her PT. We were told that they "got it all" but that there was no guarantee that the Melanoma would not come back. There will be no additional treatment (chemo or radiation) at this time. Please keep praying that it would not return and that she will be completely healed. Her spirits are very good. Love you all, Don

-Please pray for Nick Witte- there were complications with Nick's eye surgery (cataract) on Tuesday. Apparently, the cataract slipped behind the eye and is on the retina, so he needed an additional emergency surgery this morning in New York City. Linda asked for prayers to cover Nick, travel, the surgery, the doctors, etc. 5:30PM- Update- operation went well, but it was more extensive than originally anticipated. Pray for complete healing, for Nick's vision to return to normal, and for relief from his pain.

-Also, thank God for Matt & Nen Pagano, who were married this past weekend. Matt's brother, Mike officiated at his first wedding- did a great job! Pray that God will bless their life together.

-For Healing and Strength- Anita Sears (my aunt), Dean Bracewell's dad, Patti Pagano's dad, Jack Van Bemmel (Jim Mescall's dad).

That's about all for now. Hope to see you soon!
Because He Lives!
Pastor Pete

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Growth Plan- 2008-2009

Highlights from this past year- (2007-2008)
Small Groups Ministries- organized 5 Small Groups (“FLOW-Groups”) that meet in 3 communities in our area- Randolph, Roxbury & Morristown.
Iglesia Alianza- partnered with Iglesia Alianza and it pastor, Dean Bracewell in mutual prayer and encouragement & joint projects together- Morristown “Community Day”, church social events, children’s ministry and youth ministry.
Launching of a weekly worship service- began weekly, public worship services @ Clearview Cinemas in September of 2007. We have found that since the launching of weekly worship services, we have had many new people who have attended worship at “The Well”.
“Reel to Real Kids”- launched our weekly children’s church ministry, together with Iglesia Alianza in October of 2007. For grade school children, using a multi-media approach.
“MYFAITH” classes- launched “MYFAITH” (together with Iglesia Alianza) to equip our students on the basics of the Christian faith, using the "Why I Believe" series (culminating in a major event- “MYFAITH Sunday”)

Ministry Plan- 2008- 2009
Goal- “Countdown Morristown” (major publicity blitz, advertising, outreach plan to expand our ministry in Morristown)

Summer, 2008

1) Summer Preaching Series- “Questions God Asks”
2) Continue taking all regular attenders through “First Steps”
3) Develop new Bible Study Material- “2nd Steps”, “3rd Steps” “Evangelism/Discipleship Training” “MYFAITH” “Acts- Church on Fire”
4) Expand Prayer Partners; prayer ministry in FLOW-Groups- Pray about next steps for our church; personal needs.
5) Communion- 1st Sunday of each month (beginning July)
6) Next “Bring a Friend Sunday”- Morning Worship; Afternoon Picnic (w/ Iglesia Alianza)- September 7th

Fall, 2008-Winter, 2009

1) Message Series- “Acts- Church on Fire” (FLOW-Groups- use study guides on book of Acts)
2) Add 2 Small groups- Morristown; another community. New Women’s Small group?
3) Jr./Sr. High Youth Ministry- Plan for combined work w/ Iglesia Alianza- weekly meetings in homes; once a month “Fun Night” activities
4) Evangelism/Discipleship training- 12 sessions- September-December
5) Booth @ Morristown community day (fliers; bottled water, candy, etc.)
6) Prayer partners; prayer w/ FLOW-Groups- esp. about “Countdown Morristown”
7) Major fundraiser- publicity blitz- “Countdown Morristown”
8) Major publicity blitz- Fall, 2008 (before Christmas) & Winter, 2009 (before Easter) (dependent upon funding)
-Mass Mailings- Morristown, Morris Plains, Cedar Knolls, etc.
-Newspaper Articles (Local newspapers?)
-One visible mission project in Morristown
-Theater Advertising (slides before movie)
9) Clearly track and follow up with our new people- How HoHow are they doing, esp. in “Spiritual Growth Plan”
10) Organization Team- write up basic bylaws, constitution

Prayer Notes- week of June 1st

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, we began a new series, "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him. We began with the Intro- The God Who asks questions(you can download the podcast of this message by going to our website-, and clicking on the "Sermon Notes and Video Clips" button)
This series of messages will continue through the Summer:
Sunday, June 8- Where are you? (Genesis 3:1-9)
Sunday, June 15- Where is your brother? (Genesis 4:1-9)
Sunday, June 22- Will you condemn Me that you may be justified? (Job 40:1-8)
Sunday, June 29- "MYFAITH" Sunday- Guest preacher- CHARLIE HARRAH
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Sunday, August 24- Why do you persecute me? (Acts 9:1-6)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes. This past Sunday, the students had their "Youth Fun Activity"- "Pizza & Park" Day. A GREAT day at Sunshine Lake at the Lewis Morris Park. Looking forward to more fun activities for the combined youth group through the summer!
The "MYFAITH" class for June 8th will be at the home of Arturo Garcia- (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)
Also, this weekend and next (June 7th & 14th), Pastor Dave & Pastor Dean and I will be visiting each one of the students in their homes to go over the "MYFAITH" lessons, to assign parts for "MYFAITH" Sunday, and to talk about each student's relationship with the Lord ("Where have you been, where are you, and where are you going?"). This is an exciting time for the "MYFAITH" class, and for their families. Pray for this "MYFAITH" class, that they will learn more than just the lessons and the material- that they will know the reasons for their belief in Christ, and that they will be sincere in their desire to follow Him.

At our Connection Night this past Sunday evening, we discussed and finalized our "Growth Plan for 2008-2009" (click on "Growth Plan" button). We would appreciate your feedback and input, as well as your prayers, so that our church may take the next steps that the Lord has for us!

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- this Sunday, June 15th) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
REMINDER- New FLOW-Group offered for the months of June, July & August-ALL ARE INVITED- Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project"- all are invited! Here is a list of the topics that they will be going over through the summer:
THE TRUTH PROJECT (by Focus on the Family)
An In-depth Christian Worldview Experience- A DVD-based small group study designed to equip believers with a comprehensive biblical worldview.
Lesson 1
Veritology: What is truth?
The cosmic battle. Why was Jesus born? Truth as ultimate reality. Gazing on the face of God.
Lesson 2
Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
The cosmic cube. Danger of deceptive philosophy. Renewing of the mind.
Lesson 3
Anthropology: Who is Man? Where did he come from?
The meaning and purpose of our existence. Where does evil come from?
Lesson 4
Theology: Who is God?
The attack on God's nature and His word. What is eternal life?
Lesson 5
Science: What is true?
The glory of God's creation. Breaking down Darwin's theory. Examining the fossil record.
Lesson 6
History: Whose Story?
God's mandate to remember. Power of Historical revisionism. Living in the larger story. God's sovereignty.
Lesson 7
Sociology: The Divine Imprint.
Order vs Disorder. The triune nature of social systems. Authority, submission, oneness.
Lesson 8
Unio Mystica: Am I alone?
Indwelling of God. Many members one body. The hunger for significance.
Lesson 9
The State: Whose Law?
Why is the king eating grass? Delegation of authority. Bearing the sword. The state as savior?
Lesson 10
The American Experiment: Stepping Stones.
Removing the lampstand. Foundation of religion and morality.Evolution of law in America. Remember, repent and return.
Lesson 11
Labor: Created to Create.
Solo Deo gloria. The original worker. Creative stewards. 7 economic principles.
Lesson 12
Community & Involvement: God cares, Do I?
The second greatest commandment. The story of the good neighbor. God's heart for the needy.Transforming your community


-Continue to pray for the missions that we support at The Well-
Market Street Mission (local ministry)
Carl Galyon- Church Dynamics International (national ministry)
Barry Jordan- CMA International Ministries- Papua, New Guinea (international ministry)
[Note- we received this e-mail from the Jordans last week- Dear prayer partners, Oswald Chambers writes, "The people who influence us most are not those who buttonhole us and talk to us, but those who live their lives like the stars in heaven and the lilies in the field, perfectly simply and unaffectedly. Those are the lives that mould us." Less than three weeks to go before we start on our way back to the States. Our "to-do" lists are longer than our arms. PLEASE PRAY that we can get all that we need done in the time that we have left. Today the GKIP, the split-off group from the GKII (CMA) church, was busy. They destroyed a pastor's house and gathered near the district superintendent's office with the hope of taking it over. Many GKII brothers, along with the police, gathered at the district office and kept the GKIP from achieving their intent. In the last few days many text messages were sent out saying that on May 20th the GKIP was going to disband the GKII. The increased violence is understandable. The followers of GKIP have been falsely told by their leaders that they (GKIP) are the legal church and therefore they own ALL the assets. That is what they hear but there is no legal or physical evidence to support their claim. Thus many of the followers are frustrated. They have also been promised big salaries by GKIP leaders, but up til now, have not received it. They feel justified in their actions. PLEASE PRAY for our church. The violence will most likely get worse before either the police take action or the members of the GKIP become aware that something is wrong. I spent the weekend ministering in Tembagapura (a mining company town). In both the Indonesian and expat community I have become sort of an itinerant pastor even though I'm only there four or five times a year. A side job, but some wonderful people make it worthwhile. This next week Team Joshua will have their "seniors" retreat. This year we will be visited by a group of high school seniors from Jakarta. We will spend three high-energy days playing, worshiping, practicing and relating (to God and each other). Tomorrow I will speak for my last time (for a year) in Team Joshua Jayapura . The group in Jayapura has experienced a revival. Lots of new members and a real excitement has swept over them. PRAISE THE LORD with us for this fabulous group of young people. Jennifer graduates on May 29th. She has been an amazing high schooler. I say that because I compare her to myself, who wasted much of my high school years. She has lived her high school years to the fullest. In all areas--educationally, socially, emotionally, athletically, and spiritually--she has excelled. Sometimes it's hard to believe that she is my daughter. Praise the Lord for Patty. PLEASE PRAY for Jennifer as she says "good-bye" to a life that she has known for eighteen years and moves on to an unknown, college in the USA. One other prayer request relates to the kids' school, Hillcrest International School (HIS). HIS still needs for this coming school year a 4th grade teacher, a 6th grade teacher, a high school social studies teacher, a computer teacher, and a special ed teacher. If you or someone you know is interested in being involved in fulfilling the Great Commission in this corner of the world through these avenues, ask for information from the HIS Director, Paige Adams, at others, Barry and Patty Jordan]

Friday, May 30, 2008

Prayer Notes- May 25th

Hi, Family,

Thanks for your prayers for us, and for the work of "The Well Christian Ministry". This past Sunday, Pastor Dave concluded our series of Messages based on the "Prince Caspian" movie. He spoke about Part 4- Staying the Course- how we can stay on the right path (You can hear the podcast at our website-, and click on the Sermon Notes and Video Clips button). I heard also that it was another great worship experience- some "rockin' worship" with some friends of Pastor Dave's (from his pastoral work in East Brunswick) assisting on the worship team- Darienel Serrano, and Marisa Cree, along with Pastor Dave.

Our next series of messages for the Summer will be "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him- not so that He will get information, but to get us to see things that we hadn’t seen before. Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Thank the Lord also- Sue's and my teachings at Memorial Day Weekend at Tuscarora Inn were received with great interest and enthusiasm. I taught on the topic, "Journey Back to Faith"- that is, how do we communicate faith in a "Post-Christian" ("Post-Modern") culture? Sue had a session with the women on Sunday- a women's tea (this may become an annual event at Tuscarora- many women came out). Her talk was entitled, "Refreshed with Hope" (how God takes our trials and difficulties and turns them into beautiful things). We believe that our prayers were answered, and that the teaching of this weekend connected with many people who heard it and received it. I hope that some of you may join us at one of our retreats at Tuscarora some day- it is a refreshing and renewing experience. Sometimes it takes a few days away to truly listen to God!

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes. This past Sunday, Pastor Dave talked to the students about "Why I Believe- Christian Morality- Part 2"- that is, a continuation of what the Bible teaches about Dating, Love, Marriage and Sex. This week, June 1st at 12:30PM, the students will have their "Youth Fun Activity"- "Pizza & Park" Day. The students will meet after church and go out for Pizza at Mama Mia's Pizza. Then, they will go out to Sunshine Lake at Lewis Morris Park for some games and activities. Parents can pick their kids up at 3:30pm at Sunshine Lake.
The "MYFAITH" class for June 8th will be at the home of Arturo Garcia- (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)

Pray for our next "Connection Event"- this Sunday evening, June 1st, from 7:00- 9:00PM- a Coffee Fellowship at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno, 8 Diane Ct. in Randolph, where we will pray about and work through a written plan for our church for 2008-2009. Please bring your favorite dessert- coffee will be provided. Again, we need your input- please mark your calendars for this one! [directions to the Saldejeno's home- Rt. 10 West to Dover-Chester Rd., exit on right, turn left on Dover-Chester Rd. past County College of Morris, about 1 mile, right on Sweetwood Dr., 3rd right is Diane Ct., 3rd house on the right.)

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- this Sunday, June 1st) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- "More Than a Carpenter" (On the person and work of Jesus Christ)
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT- New FLOW-Group offered for the months of June, July & August- Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- "The Truth Project"- all are invited! Here is a list of the topics that they will be going over through the summer:
THE TRUTH PROJECT (by Focus on the Family)
An In-depth Christian Worldview Experience- A DVD-based small group study designed to equip believers with a comprehensive biblical worldview.
Lesson 1
Veritology: What is truth?
The cosmic battle. Why was Jesus born? Truth as ultimate reality. Gazing on the face of God.
Lesson 2
Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?
The cosmic cube. Danger of deceptive philosophy. Renewing of the mind.
Lesson 3
Anthropology: Who is Man? Where did he come from?
The meaning and purpose of our existence. Where does evil come from?
Lesson 4
Theology: Who is God?
The attack on God's nature and His word. What is eternal life?
Lesson 5
Science: What is true?
The glory of God's creation. Breaking down Darwin's theory. Examining the fossil record.
Lesson 6
History: Whose Story?
God's mandate to remember. Power of Historical revisionism. Living in the larger story. God's sovereignty.
Lesson 7
Sociology: The Divine Imprint.
Order vs Disorder. The triune nature of social systems. Authority, submission, oneness.
Lesson 8
Unio Mystica: Am I alone?
Indwelling of God. Many members one body. The hunger for significance.
Lesson 9
The State: Whose Law?
Why is the king eating grass? Delegation of authority. Bearing the sword. The state as savior?
Lesson 10
The American Experiment: Stepping Stones.
Removing the lampstand. Foundation of religion and morality.Evolution of law in America. Remember, repent and return.
Lesson 11
Labor: Created to Create.
Solo Deo gloria. The original worker. Creative stewards. 7 economic principles.
Lesson 12
Community & Involvement: God cares, Do I?
The second greatest commandment. The story of the good neighbor. God's heart for the needy.Transforming your community

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Home Makover Day

On Saturday,May 17th, we had about 15 volunteers from "The Well" take a few hours to paint and decorate the home of Mary MacNeill & Kyle & Devon. We were able to complete a lot of work at the home, and we had a great time doing it. The home looks great, and it was a boost to all of us who participated in the project. Not quite "Extreme Home Makeover"- but, we did pretty well for the day, with the resources and volunteers that we had! Mary wrote: "Hi Pastor Pete, I wanted to write to express my thanks and just tell you how blessed I am to be a part of The Well. I experienced a TRUE family experience from the church last Saturday with the overflowing love and help to make our house a home. I am sure that everyone was aware of my struggles to find another place to live in the Morristown/Morris township area, but all efforts failed and I accepted that I needed to stay were I was. Sue offered the idea of having a painting day to wash away the past years of hurt in the house and make it new. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill our home with his presence and help us to forget the past years there. So this is what was done last Saturday and I can’t tell you how much the boys and I LOVE our home. When I walk in every night after work I can say that I truly feel like I am home and relaxed. It’s exactly what I wanted. The boys are so excited about their bedroom, they’ve actually be sleeping in there for the first time in over a year. This is something I have been praying about for a while. I like to just leave with something that God brought to my attention the other day in devotions, Romans 12:9-11 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” Thank you for your brotherly love. Mary T. MacNeill

Summer Series- "The God Who Asks Questions"

Our series of messages for the Summer will be "The God Who Asks Questions"- that is, that God is not only "The Answer", but He is also the God who asks questions, and calls upon us to answer Him- not so that He will get information, but to get us to see things that we hadn’t seen before. Here are some of the questions God asks:
Sunday, June 1- Intro- The God Who asks questions (Job 38:3 & 40:7)
Sunday, June 8- Where are you? (Genesis 3:1-9)
Sunday, June 15- Where is your brother? (Genesis 4:1-9)
Sunday, June 22- Will you condemn Me that you may be justified? (Job 40:1-8)
Sunday, June 29- (MYFAITH SUNDAY)- Guest Preacher- CHARLIE HARRAH
Sunday, July 6- Why do you spend money for what is not bread? (Isaiah 55:1-9)
Sunday, July 13- How can I give you up? (Hosea 11:1-9)
Sunday, July 20- What do you see? (Amos 7:7-9)
Sunday, July 27- Should I receive that from your hand? (Malachi 1:6-13)
Sunday, August 3- Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:13-19)
Sunday, August 10- Do you want to get well? (John 5:1-9)
Sunday, August 17- Because you have seen me have you believed? (John 20:26-29)
Sunday, August 24- Why do you persecute me? (Acts 9:1-6)
Pray about this series- that the Lord will use it to open our eyes to see things we hadn't seen before, and to give God "an answer".

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of May 4th

Hi, Family,

This past Sunday, we began our series of Messages in May, based on the upcoming "Narnia" movie, "Prince Caspian". We began the series with the message, Part 1-"A Journey Back to Faith" (message attached- also, you can hear the podcast at our website-, and click on the Sermon Notes and Video Clips button). This is a great Outreach Series- one you may want to invite your friends to. The theme of the series is about rekindling faith that has become more of a distant memory than a present reality (a pertinent topic on our "Post-Christian- Post-modern" culture!). It will go along with the release of the movie, "Prince Caspian" which will be released in mid-May. The topics of the remainder of messages will be:
May 11th- Believe and See (How the Lord opens spiritual eyes as well as physical eyes)
May 18th- Things Are Not What They Seem (about spiritual warfare)
May 25th- Staying the Course (how we can stay on the right path)

Our next All Church "Connection Event" will be a "Sunday afternoon out at the movies" to watch Narnia- Prince Caspian on Sunday, May 18th, right after the Sunday Morning worship service. We will get Pizza at Mama Mia's Pizza across from the entrance to Clearview Cinemas at Headquarter Plaza on Speedwell Ave. Then, we will watch the early afternoon showing of the movie. We are purchasing discount tickets, for the price of $8.00. Come and join us, and bring someone who is searching, or who just wants to watch a great movie with friends!

A "Praise" item- we continued the process of evaluating where we are and where we are going at our recent Connection Night this past Sunday evening. We received some good input from some of you (if you were unable to make it, and you would like to give some feedback about our church, please send your comments back to me on this e-mail). Then, on Sunday evening, June 1st, we will have our next Coffee Fellowship, where we will pray about it and capsulate it in the form of a plan for our church for 2008-2009. Again, we need your input at this juncture.

Also, another "Praise" item- the women of both "The Well" and "Igliesia Alianza" had a great time at the Women's Tea this past Saturday. The women shared in a "Getting to Know You" game, and then Sue shared a message entitled, "Refreshed by Hope"- how the Lord uses our brokenness and hurt to rebuild us and remake us in a way that helps other people in their struggles- "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." (2 Cor. 1:3-4). Thank the Lord for this great fellowship event, and pray about the next one!

Pray also for our "MYFAITH" classes for May 11th & 18th (NO CLASS ON THE 25TH- MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND). We will be at the home of Arturo Garcia (from Iglesia Alianza)- 163 Sussex St., Dover, NJ- (Directions from Morristown- take Rt. 46 West into Dover. Go to light before Methodist Church (on the right)- "North Sussex Street", turn right, about 4 blocks, house on left, on corner of N. Sussex & Goodale St., across from Locust Hill Cemetery. Phone 973-537-1079)

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- 12:30PM (after church) at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class- TBA) Topic- First Steps
Sunday Evenings- 6:30PM at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) Topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study
Monday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) Topic- Journey Back to Faith
Tuesdays Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) Topic- "Seeking Him" (Personal Revival)
Wednesday Evenings- 7:30PM at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) Topic- Journey Back to Faith

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Vision workshop- April 26th

I would also like to invite you ALL to consider joining us for a "Vision Workshop" on Saturday, April 26th from 9:00AM- 12:00noon at the Morris County Library, 30 East Hanover Ave in Whippany (right outside of Morristown). When we "launched" this ministry, we had a period of study that lasted for about 5 months last Winter and Spring (our study in "Nehemiah- how to build our ministry on our vision and purpose"- remember that?) NOW, we want to assess (one year later)- How are we doing? WE NEED YOUR INPUT AND FEEDBACK AT THIS CRITICAL JUNCTURE FOR OUR CHURCH! This is what our facilitator (my "coach" in church planting, Carl Galyon) had to say about our session together-
"We will focus on Matthew 28 and introduce the climate necessary for changed lives, healthy growth and reproduction. We will make it as interactive as possible, in order to help each person assume ownership for what the Lord wants to do through them. Our goals are:1. To introduce and lay the groundwork of biblical principles and a process of ministry.2. To create greater unity and sense of ownership of what God wants to do through each person who is connected with The Well individually."
Good stuff! Remember that our initial vision was to focus on becoming more of a "disciplemaking church", as well as "a church without walls". Carl is probably more instrumental in formulating that vision in me than anyone (in my early phase of ministry)- so, I wanted to invite him to "share the wealth". I am sure that you will enjoy our time together!

How to Contact me

Here's how to contact me:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Witnessing at my job- Thursday, March 27th

I had the most incredible day today at Aristocrat talking to people about the Lord ALL DAY! I wanted to tell you about it, and ask for some prayers for some of the people I got to share with.
First off, I had my usual shuttle run in the morning (going through Morris County), and one of my regulars is a man named Jack. I have always liked Jack. He was born the same year as my dad (1926), served in the army in WWII, was a hard worker for many years before his retirement, is a positive guy with a good family and good values. He has ridden with me about 2-3 times a week for the past 2 years, so we have become good friends. We talk about everything from sports to news to weather to family to faith in Jesus Christ. When he was in the hospital in January, I was able to contact his family, and come out to the hospital for a visit, and pray with him. That seemed to open him up more to talking about spiritual things. He shared that he was raised in the church, but had lapsed somewhat in his attendance at worship and in serving the Lord. He understands the principle of "living faith", but he has not really "closed the deal", and put the Lord in the center of his life. Out of the blue, he asked me yesterday morning, "I have been meaning to ask you- what do you think about these people who are down and out or in jail or in trouble, and they say that they have become converted, and they got religion- and now everything is different. Don't you think that is being a bit hypocritical?" Wow- what an entry! So, I began to talk to him about the Apostle Paul and his conversion, I spoke about my conversion 36 years ago, talked about Chuck Colson, the former Nixon aide who was jailed for his role in the Ellsberg smear campaign, who became converted about 34 years ago, and is now the founder of the most effective Prison Ministry in the world. I spoke about the difference between having Christ as part of your life, vs. Christ in the center of your life. I also said that any conversion has to be "proved out" over time. I asked what he thought about all this, and he said that he begins each day with prayer, and he talks with God throughout the day, and tries to live for Him. I encouraged him to ask God what is the "next step" in his growth in his relationship with the Lord. He said he would. Pray for Jack, that the Lord makes it clear to him what he needs to do to rekindle that "living faith" that he once had.
Then, my second job was a corporate job with another driver named Sally. Sally is a bit of a tough woman, but last fall, she had taken about 3 months off of work at Aristocrat when her husband of 19 years filed for divorce. We were all concerned about her, but she seemed to come back with renewed strength. Yesterday was the first time I had seen her since the divorce. She thanked me for the invitation to attend Easter worship at The Well (she had to work that day). It was obvious that she wanted to talk about it- we talked pretty much the whole day. She told me about her pain, her thoughts of suicide, her depression, the divorce settlement, the support of her kids and grandkids (and how she knew she had persevere to be there for them), and some of the things her faith had given her through her trials. Once again, I was able to share with her about different biblical principles. I quoted different biblical verses, but it was not preachy. It was just conversational- building your house upon the rock verses the sand, waiting on the Lord to "renew our strength", making Jesus your "first love", etc. She was very receptive and open, and I believe that the Lord is working on her. Pray for Sally, that the Lord will become her first love and the center of her renewed life. Pray also that she comes out to worship at "The Well" one day.
Finally, at the end of the day, while I was driving my group back to their motel from dinner in New Brunswick, a passenger named Walt was sitting in the front seat, and he heard me talking on the phone about the Lord with my wife. He asked if I was spiritual, and I, of course, shared that I was a Christian, and a minister at a new church, but also ministered while I was driving on the bus. He shared with me that he, too, was a reborn Christian, who had suffered from depression many years ago, and gave his heart to the Lord in 2001, and has served Him ever since. We talked the whole way back, about how the Lord had given him a new purpose in his life, about the progress he has made with his depression (although he still suffers bouts of depression, they are not as severe or as crippling as they had been; and, he has someone to talk to about it throughout the day when he prays sentence prayers all day long). Again, I spoke about building on the rock, about the Lord's work through brokenness, about ministering to others who suffered in the same way, about our church model (a "disciplemaking" model of ministry- equipping people to use their gifts and experiences to as bridges to serve others), about prayer, about making the Lord the center of his business, etc., etc. Pray for Walt, that the Lord will make it clear to him how he can serve him, for healing from his depression, and for Walt to continue to grow and be used by the Lord to serve others and to fulfill His purpose for him.
Then, when I got back to the garage, another driver named Joe thanked me for the invitation to worship, and although he couldn't make it last weekend (he was in Pennsylvania with his family), he would try to make in another Sunday. Pray that Joe and others may come out to worship one day.
Whew! What a day! One of those days you say, "I got nothing done that I planned to do, but everything done that the Lord planned for me to do!" Pray that I may continue to take advantage of the opportunities I get to serve Him at work! Continue to pray for Jack, Sally, Walt & Joe, that the Lord will complete the work He has begun in them!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Prayer Notes- week of March 9, 2008

Hi, Family!

This past Sunday, we began a new series entitled, "Easter- Based on a True Story". During the month of March, we have all received and are reading Lee Strobel's book, "Case for Easter", and discussing the book and the Sunday message in our FLOW-groups. This past week, we looked at the story of Jesus' death on the cross- "Jesus died for you- True or False?" (Message attached). Is there evidence for what we believe about Jesus and His death and resurrection? How do the events measure up in terms of historical evidence? And, of course, "So What? Because these things are true, what difference will this make in our lives?" Next week, we will look at the topic, "Jesus Rose from the Dead- True or False".

-Also, we had a wonderful experience at this past Sunday evening's "MYFAITH" Class. This class was on the topic of "Witnessing". We looked at passages in the Bible that give us our command to witness, as well as our pattern for witnessing (based on Paul's personal testimony in Acts 26th). Then, the students themselves shared their stories. The atmosphere was electric! The students were genuinely moved, as I was, as they heard each other speak openly about their faith in Jesus Christ. They had some great stories! Why not ask some of the students to share their story with you, and encourage them by sharing your story right back at 'em! Pray that they will continue to grow and deepen in their faith and commitment to Christ, as well as their fellowship with each other. It is really an exceptional class. Pray also about MYFAITH Sunday- coming up at the end of June. This will be a time where they will share some of their testimonies and experiences in the class with both congregations (The Well and Iglesia Alianza).
MYFAITH classes for the month of March (March 16th & 30th- no class on Easter Sunday) will be at the home of Tara & Lydia Saldajeno, 8 Diane Court, Randolph [Directions- Rt. 10 heading WEST, before light at Dover-Chester Rd, exit right, turn LEFT on Dover Chester Rd. [heading toward County College of Morris], about 2/3 mile, turn at 2nd RIGHT- Sweetwood Drive , 3rd right is Diane Court, 3rd house on right with a porch]
Also, the "MYFAITH" class has agreed to sponsor a child through Compassion International. Her name is Angie- she is 9 years old, from Ecuador. They sponsor her financially, and through writing letters and prayer. This class has shown a lot of depth and commitment! Pray that they will continue in the things they have begun in the Lord!

Again, continue to pray for our small group meetings ("FLOW-Groups"- Fellowship, Learning, Outreach, Worship). Presently, we offer 5 FLOW-Groups in various communities:
Every other Sunday- after church at Bill's Luncheonette, Dover-Chester Rd. in Ironia (next class on March 30th) (topic- First Steps)
Sunday Evenings- at the home of Pete & Sue Amerman in Morristown (The Blair House- Apt. 2-E, 2 Hamilton Rd.- Ph. #- 973-267-6702) (topic-Ladies "First Steps" Bible Study)
Monday Evenings- at the home of Fran & Lynn Saldajeno in Randolph (8 Diane Court- Ph. #- 973-584-0966) (topic- Case for Easter)
Tuesdays Evenings- at the home of John & Sue Spargo in Succasunna (20 Righter Rd.- Ph. # 973-584-6909) (topic- Case for Easter)
Wednesday Evenings- at the home of Dave & June Griffith in Morristown (24 Lake Rd.- Ph. # 973-538-9637) (topic- Case for Easter)


-Continue to pray for the Lord's supply for the financial needs of "The Well".

-Continue to pray for the missions that we support at The Well-
Market Street Mission (local ministry)
Carl Galyon- Church Dynamics International (national ministry)
Barry Jordan- CMA International Ministries (international ministry)

-Pray about our upcoming Good Friday service- Friday, March 21st, 7:30PM at the Spargo's home (20 Righter Rd. in Succasunna). It will be a "Tenebrae Service"- a service of reflection and meditation on the steps that Jesus took ending up with the cross.

-Pray about our upcoming Easter Worship Service- Sunday, March 23rd @ 10:00AM- lots of music and celebration! (a flier has been attached- feel free to make copies and invite someone to worship at "The Well" this Easter).

-Pray about our upcoming "All-Church Vision Workshop”- with Carl Galyon on Saturday, April 26th

-Pray about our upcoming Reel to Real Kids Sunday- April 27th

-Pray for our upcoming Women’s “Mother’s Day Tea” together w/ the women at Iglesia Alianza- Saturday, May 3rd at the Madison Community Center

-Pray about my teaching at Memorial Day Weekend at Tuscarora Inn.

-Pray about a possible upcoming Summer "Kids Camp" in the Park

Thanks again for your prayers. Please write or call and let us know how we can pray for you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sharaday @ STAR 99.1

Please continue to pray for our "sharaday" on the radio station, STAR 99.1, on Friday, September 7th – the messages will air every hour on the hour starting at 7am & ending at 6pm. (you may remember that this was a gift that was given to us by Clearview Cinemas, as a way of promoting our church around our launch date- free advertising! Be sure to thank God for Clearview Cinemas and STAR 99.1 for their support!) Pray also that this advertising will reach many people as a way of introducing our church to the Morristown community and surrounding area


Our "Launch Date" for public worship will be on Sunday, September 9th (9:30AM- Coffee & Continental Breakfast, 10:00AM- Worship Service).


Pray for this- that all ministries will be in place, that all arrangements will be made, and that the Lord will provide all the resources and the participants for a successful official "launch" of The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown, NJ. Pray also for finances as we will move from monthly to weekly rental of the movie theater, as well as increased advertising and materials for the fall. We may also consider renting another theater for "Children's Church" during our morning worship service.

Church Picnic- Labor Day Weekend

Our "Labor day worship & church picnic" will take place on Sunday, September 2nd- worship @ 10:00AM (we will also have communion at this service, and a commissioning of our leadership as we prepare for our "launch" next week); our church picnic (shared with our friends at "Inglesia Alianza") begins at 12:00noon at Loantaka Park, off of South St. in Morristown
Directions- Follow South Street, over Rt. 287, Road turns into Spring Valley Rd., entrance to the park is about 1/2 mile on the left.

Monday, August 06, 2007

September News

Our next worship at Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza will be our launch date- September 9th (Mark it down!)- 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service & children's church. Pray for this- that all ministries will be in place, that all arrangements will be made, and that the Lord will provide all the resources and the participants for a successful official "launch" of The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown, NJ
Directions to Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza- From Rt. 80- Take Rt. 80 to Rt. 287 south to Exit 36- "Morris Ave, Ridgedale Ave exit"- follow signs that lead you straight through to Morris Ave, through two lights, at third light by Duncan Donuts, turn right on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Sussex Turnpike- Take Sussex Turnpike east to the end, Speedwell Ave, turn right, 1/4 mile, to 2nd light, Spring St., (you will see "Clearview Cinemas" right in front of you) turn left, 1/4 mile, at 2nd light (at the bottom of the hill), turn right on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Rt. 24 (Rt. 510)- Take Rt. 24/510 East to center of Morristown, "The Green" will be on your left, turn left at light after the Green, to next light, left and continue to follow the green for about a block, turn right on to Water Street, down hill about 1/2 a block to 1st entrance on left into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!

August news

On August 5th, we had another great worship (our final "Practice Worship") @ Clearview Cinemas in HQP. Again, a wonderful worship experience. We began with a group prayer with Pastor Dean Bracewell and some of the members of Inglesia Alianza, and shared some wonderful fellowship together. Then, we went to our "Theater 7" for worship. What a blessing it has been to have our sister-in-law, Soni Riley, on worship team. A lot of members of our family were also in attendance- hope to see more of them in future weeks and months (Pray for this!) Then, a young man named Josh Cascio shared a brief testimony about his ministry. He just completed his certification process as a personal trainer, and has a ministry called, "One True Power" (check it out at, and we prayed for him. Then, we learned more about Moses and his leadership of the people of Israel in the Exodus, in a message from Exodus 18, entitled, "People who Share the Load" (message attached). We learned about Moses and the wise counsel of his Father-in-Law, Jethro, to multiply his effectiveness by multiplying his leadership and releasing them to do ministry among the people. That is what we also hope to do at "The Well"- train and equip and "release" our people to do ministry among people in their spheres of influence. Continue to pray for us and for all the leadership at "The Well" as we prepare our people for our "launch" in September.
Worship and Adult Bible study for August (our final month of "house church" meetings) will be:
9:30AM- Sunday School (for the kids); Bible Study hour- Continuing our study in Nehemiah.
10:30AM- Worship (Continuing our series on "Moses", from the story of the Exodus, and leadership principles from Moses' life)
Worship for Sunday, August 12th & 19th will be at the home of John & Sue Spargo- 20 Righter Rd., Succasunna. Directions- Rt. 10 West to Roxbury exit- "Eyland Ave."- jughandle to make LEFT turn off of Rt. 10, go south on Eyland Ave about 1/2 mile, past township recreation center, next traffic light- "Righter Rd."- turn LEFT, about 1/4 mile on the right, across from township soccer fields.
Worship for Sunday, August 26th will be at the home of Tom and Suzann Zoltner- 4 King Hill Rd., Denville. Also on this day, Mary Detombeur will be publically confessing her faith in Jesus Christ, and will be baptized after the worship service. Come and join us in our final "house church" meeting.
Directions to Zoltners' home- Rt. 10 heading WEST, past Denville Auto dealers (Acura, Infiniti, Saturn), down hill, RIGHT on HILL RD, 1st RIGHT- King Hill Ct, 2nd house on the LEFT.
ALSO, on Sunday afternoons during August and early September (1:00PM at Bill's Luncheonette in Ironia) we will be continuing our training in one-to-one discipleship, using the First Steps material. This material will equip us to prepare us for discipleship in one to one relationship as we prepare to launch in the early fall, and receive new people into the fold. It is interesting to see how the Lord is preparing us to do various Bible studies in places other than church buildings- diners, luncheonettes, places of work, etc. Pray that we will be successful in preparing our people to disciple new people that we will meet.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Next Worship @ Clearview Cinemas

Our next worship at Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza in Morristown will be on Sunday, August 5th- 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Our next worship service @ Clearview Cinemas in HQP

Please pray for our next worship @ Clearview Cinemas @ Headquarters Plaza on Sunday, June 3rd - 9:30AM- coffee & "breakfast", 10:00AM- worship service. Childcare will be provided. Some members of another Morristown church (the Inglesia Alianza" church- see below) will be at this service. Pray that the Holy Spirit will be present at this worship service, and do His work both inside of us and between us. COME AND JOIN US IF YOU CAN! WE'D LOVE TO SEE YOU...
Directions to Clearview Cinemas in Headquarters Plaza- From Rt. 80- Take Rt. 80 to Rt. 287 south to Exit 36- "Morris Ave, Ridgedale Ave exit"- follow signs that lead you straight through to Morris Ave, through two lights, at third light by Duncan Donuts, turn right on to Spring St., at next light (at the bottom of the hill), turn left on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Sussex Turnpike- Take Sussex Turnpike east to the end, Speedwell Ave, turn right, 1/4 mile, to 2nd light, Spring St., (you will see "Clearview Cinemas" right in front of you) turn left, 1/4 mile, at 2nd light (at the bottom of the hill), turn right on to Water Street, up hill to 2nd entrance on right into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!
From Rt. 24 (Rt. 510)- Take Rt. 24/510 East to center of Morristown, "The Green" will be on your left, turn left at light after the Green, to next light, left and continue to follow the green for about a block, turn right on to Water Street, down hill about 1/2 a block to 1st entrance on left into the parking lot, go through ticket booth, straight through to the other side of Headquarters Plaza- Parking Lot "P-2"- follow signs- parking attendants will direct you!

My meeting with Pastor Dean Bracewell (and Pastor Dave)

One for the "surprising coincidence" department?
Pray for "Inglesias Alianza" of Morristown and for their pastor, Pastor Dean Bracewell as they are in the midst of some important decisions related to next steps for that congregation. I had an interesting experience this past week- as you know from last week's prayer notes, Pastor Dave and I met with Pastor Dean to discuss their present situation, and their desire to have a greater impact in the Hispanic community in Morristown. We had discussed some "what if's" such as establishing a cooperative relationship between our congregations and possibly worshipping together (although in separate theaters) in Clearview Cinemas in HQP. Well, Pastor Dean shared this with his leadership team on Tuesday, and they were really enthusiastic about the idea, and then he shared it with members of his congregation on Thursday at their prayer meeting, and again, those who were present were also enthusiastic about the idea! Then, on Friday evening, I had an Aristocrat job together with another driver named Ozwaldo Diaz. Ozzie and I went out to eat while we were waiting for our group, and we began by just talking shop, how long have you been working for Aristocrat, what jobs have you had, what it was like working at his other job @ NJ Transit, etc. Then, he asked about my work situation- I said I work 4 days for Aristocrat, and 2 days for my church- "What church" "The Well Christian Ministry in Morristown." Where is that?" "Well, it's a brand new church- we meet 3 weeks each month in various homes and 1 week in Clearview Cinemas in Headquarter's Plaza..." He hesitated, and said, "I think I heard about that last know my pastor, Dean Bracewell?" "Yes- he's your pastor?" "Yes- I also know Pastor Dave who works with you (he had a lot of nice things to say about you, Pastor Dave)" And, we just shared with each other about our meeting last week, about the possibilities of working in some sort of cooperative relationship in the community and HQP, about his family, and at the end of the night, we prayed for each other and for our works in the Lord...what were the chances of that happening? There are about 40 different drivers @ Aristocrat- to work with someone from the same congregation in the same week that Pastor Dave and I had a meeting with Pastor Dean, the day after they heard about us in their Thursday prayer meeting? know, the Lord is working in mysterious ways! We don't know what it means for us yet, nor do we know what kind of cooperative relationship we will have, but we have a number of people in our fold who know Pastor Dean, and Ozzie and his family, and other people from the congregation, and we have an opportunity to work in a cooperative relationship with this vital congregation. Pray that the Lord will open up this door for them and for us to have a greater impact in our community for Christ!